When I knew

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I went out with Kate the day after her arrival and it honestly was one of the best nights I had in a while.
Miami life is fast and not to brag but me and my boys get around well.
We meet all types of girls and have all types of fun but there is always something at stake.
We need to be very careful who we hang with and what we do in public because honestly we are an easy target.
Anything we do is a news bad or good and specially in the offseason.
If there is not a big trade of some huge deal on the free agency, simple things like our social media post make it to the news.
I took Kate bowling I thought that it would be a safe activity and it would give me a chance to be with her but not alone because to be honest I thought about her quite a lot the night.
My initial thoughts was to dazzle her with my bowling skills but as I kept on watching her That thought faded away rather quickly when she stepped  out to open the door for me she was wearing tie black jeans and a red top.
Red looks good on her.
I remember thinking that.
After spending the evening bowling I was so tired and I could tell that Kate was too so I asked her if she wanted to grab something to eat. She quickly asked if I knew about a good burger place. I smiled at her request the girls I usually meet would never ask for a cheese burger on the spot, but Kate wasn't one of those girls.
"Can you have a cheese burger?" She then asked after thinking about it for a few seconds.
I laughed.  "Sure, I can have a cheeseburger " I knew why she asked. She was Giancarlo's sister after all and there is nobody who could even compete with Giancarlo when it comes to eating healthy.
I took her to place located in Calle ocho as I drove around the street that was so alive and full of people dancing and loud music everywhere.
I saw how Kate's eyes lit up as she watched the people dancing around the corners.
She was enjoying it. Just seeing people having a good time made her happy that small gesture alone made me see that she was no just a beautiful woman but most important she has a happy soul which made her beautiful inside and out.
I lied to myself so many times trying to put the thought of Kate being out of my league in my mind so that I could somehow manage to stay away from her but now that I think about it. That moment as we drove around the "Fun street" as she called. Was the moment when I knew that Kate Stanton was about to be trouble.
Her soul was affecting my being and now that she was hours away from becoming my wife I could only thinking how dumb I was to even try to denied the undeniable.

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