9. Things Must Go Wrong For It To Be A Quest

Start from the beginning

"To think you could win! I just beat a warrior of Chaos! They are weak!" He boasted.

I smiled innocently,"Oh really? I wonder what would happen if I actually tried..."

He looked at me confused,"You lie! You are just weak! You aren't strong."

I shrugged,"If I wasn't, then how'd I beat you?"

He let his guard down,"You didn't beat me. I won!"

I shook my head sadly,"Yeah right." I grabbed my sword, which was trapped underneath his feet, and pulled it up. He stumbled and fell into the water. I smiled,"I win."

He roared,"Attack him!" They rest of his crew pulled out their weapons and pointed it at me.

"Cheater," I muttered, and looked at Annabeth. She instantly started up the boat again, and left the scene, towards France.

The leader yelled in annoyance,"No! Come back!" But he couldn't swim fast enough. Then his army attacked me.


My eyes widened when I realized that we left Luke behind,"Annabeth, what are you doing? Luke's still there!"

"Relax Percy. He'll catch up." She said calmly, which only made me upset. How is he going to catch up, huh? I doubt he can swim that fast. I looked back, but I couldn't see him because the warriors had surrounded him, and he was trapped. Please don't be dead, I prayed.

As if my prayers were heard, something unexpected happen. Everyone was pushed back, and most fell in the water. My eyes widened as I saw the impossible. Oh my god...

He has wings! I thought, excitedly, How is that possible?

He soared into the air, and soon enough landed on the boat. He sighed, wiping some blood off his face.

"H-how is that possible?" I stuttered, making him look at me,"You have wings!" I said, in shock, looking at the pure white wings. I noticed though, that one of the feathers was black.

He grinned upon seeing my reaction,"You get wings once you join the army. It's a gift from Chaos. Pretty cool, yeah?"

"Have come I've never seen them until now?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Because I'm magical!" He said, dramatically, but winced in pain. His wings started to move, slowly shrinking until they were only small triangles on his back. He sighed and took off his shirt, looking at the back. It was shredded from when his wings spread out. He pulled out another shirt and put it on, mumbling,"We need to have special shirts for people with wings. I keep ruining them."

I nearly slapped myself for not noticing the bumps along his back,"That is so cool..." I muttered, more to myself.


We arrived to France 20 minutes later, as promised by Annabeth. We abandoned the boat, and started walking into France. We did look a little weird, and people steered clear of us. I don't want to know what they thought their weapons were, but it didn't seem nice. Before going anywhere else, we first transferred our money from dollars to Euro, which we let Annabeth do on her own. Then we called a taxi, and all got in.

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