Chapter 2

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"Please fasten your seatbelts as we will be landing shortly."

The nasally voice blared into the plane, jerking me out of my thoughts. For the majority of the seven hours and twenty-three minutes I had been on my phone - until it reached twenty percent battery that is. After that I had busied myself with designing a plan of attack for my assignment and brushing up on my language skills.

I leant back in my seat after squeezing my phone into my backpack and popped some gum in my mouth. The descent was over rather quickly, and I soon found myself swinging my backpack onto my shoulders and making my way to the exit.

The blonde hostess - who had hassled me six times during the journey about buying a snack - offered me a tight smile as I passed her. I refrained from chucking the water bottle I had bought (from a different hostess) at her, and instead gave her a stony stare. Nervously, she edged away from me and started a conversation with another passenger.

I rolled my eyes and carried on my merry way, trying to ignore the tight knot in my stomach. Once in the airport, I looked around. Were they there yet? I stopped.

Oh no.


They did not.

They wouldn't.

Oh, but they did.

I swallowed as I took in the scene in front of me. A small mob stood holding a ginormous sign, reading my name in bright flamingo pink letters - oh, and lots of glitter, of course. When they saw me staring at them, the sign was dropped (as were the flags and balloons) and suddenly I was engulfed in the largest hug I had ever received.

I choked as someone squeezed out the last remaining drop of oxygen in my lungs, my shocked expression tinted with discomfort.


The girl who was latched to my arm let out a piercing shriek of what I assumed was excitement, and started jumping up and down.

"I can't believe you're here!" She squealed, her American voice foreign and almost...warm. My arm was being tugged around with her as she continued her bunny-hopping session. I was about to reply when a deep voice spoke to my left.

"I think Kayla would prefer her arms intact, Becky."

I paused, turning around slowly. Standing with his arms crossed, the brown-haired guy chuckled. His green eyes were a stark contrast to his tanned skin and I felt my cheeks grow warm.

He offered me a grin as Becky detached herself from me, muttering an apology.

"I'm Aaron - I'll be friend?" He scratched the back of his neck, his head tilting to the side. I looked to Becky.

"She's my sister, but she won't be in our year." He informed me. She beamed at me.

"Yup, that's me! As Aaron said, I'm only, like, fifteen so we won't go to the same classes." She pouted. I felt a hand on my arm and I spotted a lady to my side. She smiled at me.

"I'm Tessa - the unfortunate soul stuck with these two." She joked. Aaron huffed along with his sister.

"Totally feeling the love, mom." He said, clutching onto his heart. She rolled her eyes in reply and gestured towards a man in a navy shirt, his green eyes a perfect resemblance to his sons.

"This will be your host dad, but obviously you can just call him Nick."

He shook my hand and I forced a smile onto my face, ignoring the clench inside of me. Firm hands whisked me around and I found myself shaking an elderly lady's hand. She looked surprisingly spunky in her bright red top as she eyed me.

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