Part 7

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I'm sitting outside on the balcony looking out at the city. I can't believe Kurt he can be so controlling that's why the band fell apart the first time. I should have known that this time would have been the same. I feel a hand touch my shoulder I look up and see Santana I smile.

Santana: I kind of figured that you would be out here.

Dani: Yeah its the only place where I know I can think.

Santana sits next to me.

Santana: Yeah it is a great place to go.

Dani: Mhm.

Santana: What you thinking about?

Dani: About if I really want to continue with the band thing I mean I like doing it, but...

Santana: But Kurt is being controlling just like last time?

Dani: Yeah and I don't like it I never did.

Santana: Well if you think that you can't do it anymore than don't do it.

Dani: I don't know what do you think?

Santana: Well all know is that the kids and I miss you. I mean I'm glad that you find joy in doing the band, but we do miss hanging out with you.

Dani: I miss you guys too. I think that I'm going to stop doing the band.

Santana: Its your choice baby.

Santana puts her arm around me after a while we go back inside. Rachel and Kurt walks up us.

Kurt: I'm sorry.

Dani: Me too.

Kurt and I hug.

Dani: There is actually something that I need to tell you.

Kurt: Me too.

Dani: You can go first.

Kurt: Okay I was thinking that maybe we shouldn't do the band anymore I mean it was fun while it lasted, but...

Dani: Its not working out?

Kurt: Yeah.

Dani: I was thinking the same thing plus I need to spend more time with my family.

I grab Santana's hand Kurt smiles at me.

Kurt: And I need to spend more time with Blaine he's been feeling kind of left out.

Dani: Yeah same with Santana.

Santana puts her arm around me I lean into her. Yasmine and Jasmine walk up to us I pick up Jasmine.

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