Teasing Her

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Narin point of view

We reached home. I didn't seen Ash. I went to room got freshed up.

Thank god!!!

Finally i am relaxed now i will completely rest now. Mike also not in room. I put on  my night pijamas and jumped on bed. This soft bed making me sleepy.  Suddenly i heard huge sound.

'' Narin... Narin.... '' Mike shouted from down stairs. 

What is It now ? Why he is calling me? I want to rest. I went down stairs. I saw mike sat on the sofa and watching T.V. 

I went and stood in front of T.V and  folded my hands.

'' Why did you call me ?'' I asked in anger. He ruined my good sleep.   Mike looked at me.

''Make juice for me '' Mike said and got up from sofa. I pushed me aside from blocking the T.V

'' You...... If you want juice you should've asked servants.  Why are you torturing me ? '' I asked pointing finger to him.

'' From today on their will be no servants in our house '' Mike said smiling at me.

'' What ? '' I got shocked. He sat on sofa and relaxed his body.

'' You are going to clean the house from today '' Mike said looking at me.

'' What ? Am I servant here ? I'm not going to clean and I'm not going to serve you any juice '' i said and about to go.

'' Fine, it's your wish. Earlier you said you don't want to work in my office. I thought behalf of that I offer you to work in home, cleaning, Cooking, washing...  '' Mike about to complete.

'' What ? Impossible '' I shouted.

'' Really ? How you gonna pay debt to me ? '' Mike asked coming closer to me.

''Mike, it's not fair. It's cheating '' I said in sad tone. Mike chuckled

'' There is no choice you have to agree to this '' Mike said smiling at me.

'' But...'' before i speak.

'' Enough. Now go and prepare juice  '' Mike said walking towards the sofa.

He is torturing me. I got busted in anger.

I walked to kitchen and made juice.

'' Juice, My lord '' I smiled sarcastic.

He took the juice and had a sip.

'' Not bad, add sugar less next time  '' mike said smiled and winked at me.

I want to kill you Mike.

I yelled myself inside.

Mike placed the glass on table. He cleared his throat and got up. He Clap his both hands.

'' Let's start with living room then kitchen then bed room then... '' before he speak.

'' MIKE !!!   '' I shouted at him.

'' Start cleaning '' mike said and threw a broom stick on me. I quickly hold it.

'' Woah !!!  That's a good catch '' Mike smiled.

'' I'm  going to kill you mike '' i shouted in angry tone by showing broom stick to mike. 


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