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" Pardon  ? " I asked in a low voice.

I must heard it wrong.

" Don't pretend that you did not heard what i said " he said and came closer to me.

" You are marring  me that's all " he said looking into my eyes.

" Excuse me sir i am here a employee and i'm not a toy that anybody will directly ask for marriage" i said in a angry tone. He pulled my waist tightly.

" Your decision is not important to me you are going to marry me  on next  week " he said and i got shocked and pushed him but he his stronger than me.

" you will scare me and you think i'm going to marry you " i said in a angry tone.

" Ok then don't marry me but i think you remember one  name i think max" he said i got shocked to hear him because max is my little brother he is 5 year old he is my life after my parents died he is my life to me. He went to picnic with his friends and teachers.

" How do you know about my brother " i asked  and tears already in my eyes.

" If you don't marry me your little cute brother will die in a second " he said smiling at me.

" He is in tour. Now leave me " i said in angry tone.

" Really ? "  He pulled phone from his jacket. He dial a number.

" Kill him right now " he said angrily. 

panic started in me.

" Please don't do anything to him i have only him in my life " i said  and tears are flowing down  my cheek he hung up the call. 

" So, what you say yes or no " he said looking into my eyes

" You can't do this to me please .why are you doing this ? you're a billionaire rich girls will be right in front of you. why me ? " i asked in tears.

" yes or no" he asked in a angry tone and tighten my waist and it's started paining.

" Please if you want i can do anything. Not this" i said in sobs.

" I think you didn't get it clearly" he said angrily and pulled out his phone.

" Just kill him to dead " he said in angry tone looking into my eyes. I pulled his collar angrily.

" NO!!!..... " I shouted in tears. 

" i... want to speak to him " i requested. He handed me his phone. 

" Just a video will be fine right ? you can see him. He can't see you " He said while smiling. I looked at the phone. I seen max he is playing with toys and eating chocolates. 

In a second he pulled the phone. 

" I don't have time. YES OR NO " He asked angrily. I stood there in tears.

" Good then tomorrow morning I'm going to announce to media that we are going to marry understood " he said and left the room before he step out of the room.

" I want you to be here exactly at 8:00am tomorrow" he ordered.

"  where is my  brother ? " i asked angrily wiping my tears.

" He will be safe at your home " he said and went off and i lean on  the wall and started crying. 

Forced Married To Mr. BillionaireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora