3 months

410 15 3


"It's been a few months that I've been with Andrea and I can't honestly say that I think I'm in love with her. Not that I've told her yet, but I'll work up to it!
She's just so fascinating! She's a single mother, pro surfer, stunning human being, and can bake the best damn cookies I've ever had in my life! And the way she is with Kai is so real. When he does something wrong she won't yell at him, she'll teach him how to to do it the right way. Like that one time she told him not to touch the cookies yet because they were too hot and when he touched them and burnt his hand, instead of telling him he was wrong, she taught him how to help treat the burn.
I'm pretty lucky I have her in my life"


The past few months have been quite some adventures with Tanner. Next to the upsides of being with him there are downsides.
My social media is constantly being spammed with girls complaining about how I'm not good enough for him or how he should be with them Intead of me. Saying I'm some fucking gold digger!?! And I'll get fucking death threats sometimes because of a boy that asked ME out. Like I love him but his fans need to chill the fuck out.
He was over at my place at the moment and we were all hanging out.
I walked over to him and plopped my head on his shoulder.
"Hey babe?"
"Could you tell these little ten year olds to stop harassing me on social media again. It was funny in the beginning but when they insult Kai, I lose it."
"Yeah yeah totally. I'm sick of hearing stuff about you all the time. Not in the bad way but you get what I mean" i laugh and kiss his nose.
"Well while you do that imma go pick some stuff up from the store. Kai do you want anything bubba?"
"No no momma" I smiled as he was very occupied with his blocks.
"Okay I'll be back"

I hopped into the truck and quickly drove to trader Jose. I parked The car and hopped out.
I went I. And grabbed some kale chips, pasta, pesto sauce, and some bananas.
I went to check out and payed for all my things.
As I was walking to my car a small group of girls came up to me to maybe talk about surfing but nope. They came to talk about Tanner.
I guess he posted a video on his snapchat and Instagram story about me.
"So is it official that you guys are an item?" I girl asked anxiously.
"Uhh yeah we've been a thing for a while now?" They looked like new fans.
"Really cause I've never heard of you before. Like your irrelevant to anyone and anything!" Aha mkay lemme clap back.
"Then you guys obviously aren't really into surfing even though your shirt says 'live to surf'. That what I thought you guys were gunna ask me about, surfing!"
"Why the heck would we ask your fat ass about surfing?! And how can you prove that we aren't really into surfing?!" Oooooooohh this girl got some edge.
"Look my name up. Andrea Reynolds . And also look up my entire family. I think you'd be pretty interested"
And I walked to my car smiling.
I'm not usually one to be that harsh but come on, they had it coming.

I raced home because I didn't want the food to get too hot in the car.
As soon as I parked I got a call. An unknown number?
I answered.

Me: hello?
James: hey Andrea. It's me. I have Kai this weekend and I was wondering if I could stop by early!
Me: uhh yeah! he's been waiting to see you and was asking about you earlier today. When are you coming by?
James: later tonight around 7 pm?
Me: just call me when you get here and I'll meet you outside!
James: cool, see you later rose.
Me: yeah...s-see yea.

I hung up and took the bag of groceries in the car.
He used to call me rose when we were together.
He's the only person I've known to call me rose...

y o u  s t a y e d.  ;;   tanner fox Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora