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Most of this will be in Andreas pov. And the picture came with a filter, this little boy has really really dark drown hair.

My alarm goes off at exactly 7:00 every morning so I could get a head start on my day. Everyday consists of me going down to the beach with Kai (my son) and surfing.
I got up, put my hair in a ponytail, and walked into the living room to see Kai already awake feeding our dog Kona a cracker. I pack all of our stuff that we usually take in the morning into the cooler and put it in the trunk. After that I putting sunscreen, swim trunks, and a sweatshirt on him I put grabbed my phone, keys, and beach towels. My board was already in the back of the truck so I didn't have to bother.

The drive was only less than ten minutes with the traffic since I knew places where I could get around the streets.
We parked on a street leading to my secret surfing spot that only the top pro surfers go to. And my family consists of pro surfers so I grew up going to this beach. Being a normal Tuesday morning, nobody was there. Actually, since a major competition in Sydney is going on all of my friends are competing there. I've had to miss some of the comps since Kai but ever once in awhile I'll show up to a comp here in San Diego to meet some fans.

I got to my parking spot, put my sunglasses on, and hopped out of the car. I helped Kai take his seatbelt off and he instantly ran down to the beach with his toys.
I got my board out of the back and went down to go meet him.
I immediately set my stuff down, put on my wetsuit, and ran out into the nice cool water. Kai was entertaining himself with his sand toys.
The waves were pretty nice today and I knew I'd be here for a while.
[an hour passes]
I was riding this wave and I look over to see Kai was gone. Where did he go? I told him that he could never just run off like that.
I purposely flew off my board and paddled in.


Jake and I came out to take some pics of the gtrs today. It was a bright and sunny day and perfect to go to the beach.
We get to the beach and hop out to take pic right in front of the water the waves were big enough to look like a cool background.
We are taking pictures until we saw this little boy wondering around. Nobody was around us and it looked like he was lost. We walked up to him. I pull out my vlog camera.
"Hey there buddy are ya lost?"
"Yeah. I can't twak to stwangus."
"Well we're good. We're gunna help you find your parents okay"
We walked around the beach and we heard a voice calling. "Kai! Kai where are you! I have candy!"
We followed the voice and ended up finding this really pretty girl.


I walked around calling his name to where he might have gone. I walked along the beach until I saw these two boys and potentially Kai.
I ran up to them and I hugged Kai.
"Oh my god where did you guys find him? Hi I'm Andrea" I looked at the cute boy.
"Uh he was walking along the beach and looked lost. Oh and I'm Tanner and this is Jake "
"Well thank you guys! I'll have to have another talk with him about wondering around places. So are you guys surfers?"
"Oh no no no we were just getting pictures of out cars as weird as that sounds" I chuckled.
"I'm suprise that you guys knew where surfers cove was. Like I've never seen shoobies around this part of the beaches"
"Shoobies?" They looked confused. I giggled.
"Like, tourists. When I lived in Kauai there were tourists! And when I lived in Maui we called them shoobies"
"Well we're actually from here."
"Oh then that's a different story."
"So is he your brother, are you babysitting?"
"No he's actually my son!" I smiled. He looked suprised.
"I gotta go catch some more waves but we'll see you guys around!" I took Kai and I was about to walk away but-
"Hey um Andrea! Could I maybe get your number?"


Hope you guys like it! Please VOTE AND COMMENT,

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