Chapter Twenty One

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Luckily, the two of them had decided to sit far away from any ears and they weren't even that loud so the nearest CCTV couldn't catch what they were saying. Hyejin continued to stare at Dae Jung, hoping that he would somehow be able to snap her out of her odd thoughts. After what has happened so far, Hyejin wasn't sure whether she was worthy enough to like him that way. 

"Don't you, though? I mean, yeah, at first, it came off as a fan liking an idol. Then, it slowly grew into something else, which is now what you have—a crush." Dae Jung made it sound so easy. Like counting the numbers from one to ten. "There's nothing different from liking him this way, Hyejin."

"But there is." Hyejin felt her eyes quiver, as if tears were about to drop from them soon. "We're not as normal as everyday people, Dae Jung. We don't innocently confess our feelings and get together shortly after. We both have an image to keep, mostly him. It's all too different in this world, Dae Jung."

"Then come back to this world, Hyejin. Would you rather face another article—probably a more horrible one—or stay quiet and be a normal person?" Dae Jung asked. 

Hyejin had never imagined the conversation to had turned out this way. What they wanted to do was to get some ice cream at a nearby ice cream cafe. Hyejin didn't expect to have an intense conversation like this. 

"I don't know. I don't know how to go back nor do I know if I want to go back to having a normal life," Hyejin confessed. Whatever decision she made, all she wanted to do is remain in the diamond life. 

Rose quartz and serenity yo, Hyejin thought to herself, suddenly having the urge to smile in such a serious conversation. 

"Why are you smiling like that?" Dae Jung was quick to notice. 

Hyejin looked around for a few seconds before shaking her head, wondering whether or not she would tell him about him. He wasn't exactly a fan. He was mostly a Twice's fanboy, although, he mostly concentrated on a single member more than the group. "Nothing."

"Have you made a decision? It looked like you did," Dae Jung said, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"I haven't. In fact, I was—" Just before Hyejin could finish her sentence, a handsome young worker—probably around the older age like seventeen or eighteen—came by their table to serve their orders. 

"Here's your order," he said, taking the table number away from their table and bowing. Right before he left, he took notice of Hyejin's presence and immediately, a smiled spread across his face. "Aren't you Hwan Hyejin, the famous celebrity author?"

"Is that what people refers to me these days?" Hyejin asked before smiling kindly at the worker. "Yes, that's me."

The guy took notice of Dae Jung and acknowledged his presence. "Oh, are you on a date right now?"

"No. This is my best friend. He has helped and support me through everything, right before the whole famous milestone. And, please, I hope you'll respect my privacy. I'm only telling you so that I won't get into another false accusation on the Internet again," Hyejin said, immediately digging into her ice cream short after. 

"Of course. I respect you a lot, Hwan Hyejin-sshi. The last thing I want is for you to have another horrible article arise. Please, enjoy and thank you for coming to Sweets And Spoons," the handsome young guy said before he finally went back to behind the counter. 

"As you were saying before you got interrupted by one of your fans?" Dae Jung suddenly brought the conversation up again. 

Hyejin looked up from her ice cream bowl, a blank look evident on her face. "What was I saying again?"

"I don't know. You were about to tell me something but got cut off right before you could." Dae Jung poked his ice cream, watching as some of its toppings fell to the bottom of the bowl. 

Hyejin tried to retrieve back her memories and remember what exactly was she talking about right before that worker guy came. Then it clicked in her mind and she was back to grinning weirdly at her best friend. 

"What? What's with that grin?" Dae Jung asked as he pulled his metal spoon out of his mouth. Slowly, he came to a realization. "Oh no. Wait. I know that smile. It's about—"

"Rose quartz and serenity yo~" Hyejin said, not caring about the embarrassment she was slowly feeling. It was crippling up her skin but she ignored all of it as she kept her weird grin in place. Noticing Dae Jung's reaction, she shrugged. "What? You asked for it."

"Maybe it's best never to ask whenever you have a grin like that," Dae Jung said, going back to eating his ice cream. 

"Yup." As Hyejin gobbled down her sweet goodness, her mind flicked back to both choices she had. She was living two lives, if anything. A girl without proper schedules of the sort and a girl who was well-known around the entire Republic of Korea. 

Which life was she actually living? She was confused herself. Everyone knew her, and certain articles on the Internet were about her. She was receiving love from people. Gifts. Fan letters. Fan edits. It was like nothing she has ever experienced before.

In the end, she called Dae Jung's attention. "Yah, Cho Dae Jung."

Dae Jung looked up from his ice cream. "Hmm?"

"I think I have finally came to a conclusion."

 Dae Jung was all ears. 

"I think... I don't have to pick. I think it has already been decided. I belong to two worlds—the famous and the normal." With that, Hyejin proudly smiled at her best friend. 

~Author's Notes~

Head's up! One more bumpy ride—or maybe two hehe—and it'll be smooth sailing! But we don't know when that will be, am I right? Just keep your eyes peeled! Hehe! ;)

Head's up! One more bumpy ride—or maybe two hehe—and it'll be smooth sailing! But we don't know when that will be, am I right? Just keep your eyes peeled! Hehe! ;)

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

His Fangirl, Her Fanboy || SEVENTEEN Fanfic Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang