She nodded, "I figured."

"What are you going to do?"

"Watch a movie or get some more rest. Just needing some time to get my head straight."

"You have until seven."

She snorted, "He is leaving work early."

Scott smirked, "For what it's worth, he sounded all over the place. I'm pretty sure he was a mess last night."


Scott reached for her hand and gave it a slight squeeze, "You're the one person who can bring him to his knees. Do with that whatever you want." He released her and got to his feet, putting his phone away while he ran a hand through his gelled hair, "I'm not taking sides here, I respect you both. But I think it's only fair you have as much leverage in this marriage as him."

"You're hard to read."

"I'm someone who listens to reason."

She took him in then sipped from her coffee again, "So Mark made killing my father sound reasonable? That's how he persuaded you to betray him?"

"Like I said Mark is levelheaded, he can see the bigger picture." Scott gestured to her, "When he isn't thinking with his dick that is."

She laughed shaking her head at him, "Shut up." She clutched her cup with both hands, "He loves me you know and not because of the sex."

"I'm sure." Scott joked.

He left to head to work, trusting her enough to leave her on her own in his apartment. She had breakfast, taking her time while she watched a movie in the living room. Afterwards she cleaned up and settled on the couch, laying on her side curled up under a blanket while she watched TV. She knew Mark would have taken care of work and everything else while she took some time for herself. He always took charge. So even though she was supposed to be so pissed off, the intense feeling was slowly fading. She was sure by the time she would see him she'd go with him willingly.


Mark came to pick her up around five, Scott wasn't even there yet. He made it an early day, when he faced her he looked like a mess. It made her feel guilty for running away without a word. She left her phone, money and keys behind. He must have thought the worst happened to her. Mark reached for her, wrapping her up in his arms while he pulled her to him, holding her tightly.

"Don't ever do that again." He warned her, "I thought something happened to you. I couldn't reach you, you left everything behind."

She nodded, holding tightly onto him as well.

"I know things are messed up between us, we'll work on it." He promised her, "But you told me you accepted me for who I am, is that still true?"

"It's still true." She whispered, burying her head in his chest, "I missed you."

She felt him tense, he probably didn't think she'd be this mellow. Maybe he prepared himself for a fit, thinking she'd hit him or at least scream at him. She didn't have the energy to do it though.

"I'm fucking insane." She admitted to him, "One minute I'm so pissed off wanting to claw your face off the next I'm missing you like crazy. Feeling guilty for leaving without a word and making you worry. Something is wrong with me, Mark. I'm not being myself when I'm with you."

"That's good." He pulled away from her and titled her head back, his eyes lingering on her lips, "You have it bad for me and that works out great for me."

"Asshole." She muttered, "But from what I heard it's the same for you."

He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers, kissing her to make her shut up. She was sure he didn't like it, he was supposed to be the scary mobster who didn't give a shit about anyone. If what Scott said was true she had him wrapped around her finger.

Pulling away, Mark brushed his thumb over her swollen lips, "Let's get you home. I hate seeing you in another man's shirt. It pisses me off."

That amused her, "Nothing happened between us."

Mark walked past her collecting her heels and tossed them in front of her feet. She slipped them on and gasped when he grabbed her hand without warning and dragged her away with him.

"I know Scott wouldn't dare to lay a finger on you, that's not the point."

Jaded smirked as she watched her husband's back while they headed to the elevator, "So not only are you madly in love with me, you also get crazy jealous. You better watch yourself. Next time you piss me off I'll get creative and really make you lose your mind."

He suddenly stopped in his tracks, making her bump into his back. Without warning he spun around, grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her against the wall right next to the elevator. The sudden move caused her to lose her breath. She blinked when he got right in her face, his eyes darkening with the second. It actually terrified her. It was the first time he looked at her like that. It was the bad scary Mark people around them feared.

"Was that a threat?"

She shivered and she was sure Mark felt it. She wasn't going to give in though. She wanted things to be fair between them as well. Scott gave it to her, so she would use it, not backing off.


He moved closer, his body pressing against hers while he trapped her completely. She knew he was trying to scare her even more, but she knew better. He'd never hurt her, so he was all talk. His scare tactics wouldn't work on her. Placing her hands against his chest she felt him up instead. It threw him off his game. The intense look in his eyes fading.

"You dare and do something like that again and I'll retaliate. That's how it works in your world, doesn't it?"

"Dare and cheat on me, see what happens."

She lowered her hands, resting them against his stomach as her lips curled up to a smile, "I'm sure I'll be fine." She whispered.

He grabbed her chin in his hand and titled her head back, kissing her hard. It was a punishing kiss but she didn't mind. Wrapping her arms around his neck she kissed him back, pushing her tongue in his mouth. He didn't let her take over though, he pushed her tongue back in her mouth and explored instead. When they pulled away she needed time to catch her breath. Mark pushed the elevator button, giving her time to pull herself together.

"I'm going to double security around you." He told her.

"Doesn't matter." She smiled.

He glared at her, "I'm serious, Jade."

She didn't falter at all, "I'm being serious too, Mark."

"You fucking piss me off, you know that?" He asked her, reaching for her hand and tightly holding it while he stepped into the elevator.

"I know."

She was messed up forgiving a man like Mark, but she lost her mind the minute she admitted to herself she was madly in love with him. No matter what he'd do she'd always be beside him. They both knew it too. It was only fair she'd make him lose his mind when he messed up. It would teach him not to walk all over her. It was the only way for her to balance things out between them.

The Billionaire's Revengeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें