33 2 5

C: But I still love you

G: What do you mean I still love you

• flashback•

C: Babe don't leave me I still love you

A: I love you too but you.... I have to go

C: Don't go please

A: I have to go

C: Well give me a hug at least

I walked over to him and he gave me a hug but he didn't let go. Instead he lifted my chin up and looked me in the eyes then kissed with passion. He picked me up and he threw me on his bed.  He started to kiss my neck but he tried to go farther down but I sat up. And brought my knees up to my chest and put my face down.

C: What is wrong babe

A: We are to young we are only 15 and do you really think I want to have sex with you after you fucking cheated on me with my best friend if you really think that you might as well fuck your self because I am not going to.

C: Babe I was drunk

A: And let me guess you are drunk right know too. You know you are fucking retarded sometimes you are 15 and you are drinking. And you have had sex with God knows how many girls and I will not be one of them I am sorry.

C: Babe--

A: No

I walked out of the door and was soaking wet when I walked outside of was still raining. I pulled out my phone and tried to called Alexis. She didn't picked up so I decided to text her. No reply. So I put my phone in my pocket and started to walk to my house. It was probably 5 miles away. Then my phone buzzed. I took it out of my pocket. It was a text message from Alexis I was so relieved but then I read the text message.

Al: Hey sexy your friend is with me

A: Who is this

Al: Nash Grier

A: Where is she

Al: In a warehouse

A: What is the address

Al: North Treehide 162 but I will not be there

A: Why

Al: Because she is dead

A: What who killed her

Al: Trey did

I started to tear up and I started to run but I could see anything. Then I heard footsteps behind me. I started to run as fast as I could. I knew who it was Cameron.

C: Hey babe slow down

A: Leave me alone

C: Why are you acting like this... Wait why you crying

A: Yes

C: Why

A: Trey killed Alexis because of you. Because of you and your horny ass dick she is dead. You literally ruin everything don't you my life is ruined because of you.

I turned around and started to walk again but Cameron grabbed my hand and started wall the other direction. But I was trying to got he other way but then he picked me up and ran to his car. He put me in the passenger seat and he started to drive. He was taking me to my house. When we got there I run up to the door and ran inside locking to door behind me and went to my room and cried all night long.

• end of flashback •

A: Nothing Grayson just nothing and Cameron get the fuck out of here

Well this is really short and wow that potty mouth of Aaron's when she was 15 damn but she was very good at come backs.

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