New Jersey (Part 2)

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When Jazlynn was done hugging every one we started to watch some of the twins old youtube videos. We all started to laugh when we came across one that was Guys Try Girl Products. When we were done eating and practically done watching their youtube videos. Ethan asked Jazlynn to go up to his room with him and when they got up stairs Ethan asked her to go to dinner with him at Olive Garden. She replied.

"Omg, yes I would love too."she almost cried

They stayed upstairs for a while. When Grayson and I were down stairs Grayson said

"So do you want to go to your apartment and unpack"
Then I said
"Yeah why not"

So Grayson and I went to my apartment and we started to unpacked my stuff and organized for about 5 hours but when I went outside my phone started to ring. I answered it. It was my ex-boyfriend

Braylon: Hey babe I did not think you were going to pick up
Me: Don't hey babe me
Braylon: Well I have a question
Me: What
Braylon: Did you really move to New Jersey
Me: Yup
Braylon: Well I wanted to know if you wanted to get back together...

I cut him off by saying

Me: Hell no

Then I hung up the phone and then I realised that Gray son was right behind me sitting on the steps.

Grayson said "Well that was and interesting convo"
I said "Well my ex wanted to get back together"
Gray: "oh that really explains a lot what he do cheat on you"
Me: "Yeah with 5 other girls"

We got in my truck and Grayson asked if I was single

I said "Yeah but I'm not into anyone right now I mean I just moved here a few days ago"
He said "Oh"

Then it was silent the whole ride to Grayson's house. Then when we got there my phone started to ring. It was my mom. I answered it in my truck and Grayson was still in the truck

Mom: (sobbing) Hey, honey
Me: What is wrong
Mom: It is your great grandpa
Me: What happened
Mom: He pasted away this morning at 9:30
Me: Oh my god I have to go I can't talk anymore
Mom: bye honey

I started to cry. Grayson was looking at me, then he asked

Grayson: what happened
Me: my great grandpa died this morning
Grayson: okay... uh... I... umm... don't known what to do

I went to hug Grayson. But Ethan knocked on the window. I wiped my face and rolled down the window

Ethan: Hey...did Grayson say something to make you upset
Me: No but my great grandpa died this morning.
Ethan: Well would you like to stay tonight and calm down
Me: sure

So I went inside and Jazlynn was concerned and asked what happened and I told her. She decided to leave and go home. It was about 1:00am before Grayson, Ethan, and I went to sleep

Hey thx for reading I know not many people will read this but what ever I still do it any way. But I am going to give you a heads up the next chapter will probably be short because it will be about Ethan and Jazlynn's date

My Best Friends Ex Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora