1. Girl Meets Saturday Detention

Start from the beginning

"Is that why we're in the library Matthews, because that sounds weak," Maya said.

Riley glared at her best friend before looking down, "Which side do I get?" she said knowing that she needed to keep herself from lashing out.

"Riley, Smackle, and Farkle, you each are a part the union side, Maya, Lucas, and Zay you get the confederate side of the war. Farkle and Zay you get the battle of first Bull Run, Smackle and Lucas will get Battle of Antietam, lastly Riley and Maya will get the Battle of Gettysburg."

"Is there a lesson in this sir," Farkle said looking up at his teacher.

"No Farkle, I just want you all to learn that sometimes starting a war can have dramatic consequences, so I chose the war this country fought with themselves all because of how they viewed the changing dynamics in their lives," he said looking at the group sitting around the room. "They had to fight a war before they realized that they were better off as friends, and although we still feel the remnants of that war today, we need to remember that some friendships need to break apart before they realize how much they need one another."

Maya scoffed and looked around but when she noticed the faces on four of her friends she knew that she may have done something wrong. Riley hadn't spoken to her since, and every time she tried to talk to her friend she would get the cold shoulder.

"Since I don't trust any of you," he said pulling out a box. "Give me your phones." They all dropped their phones into the box one by one. "I'll be back to check with you all in an hour, and I'll bring something for you to eat as well," Mr. Matthews said before leaving them alone in the library.

"I guess we should get to work," Riley said getting up and heading into the stacks. Maya followed her since they were both working on the same battle, yet they were on different sides.

"This feels like that time in middle school, were you were in Rileytown, and I was in Mayaville," Maya said trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah, except do you remember how that turned out Maya?" Riley said turning to her friend. "Everyone went bad except for me, I got kidnapped, and your reaction in the end was that one day you would bring me to your side. I learned since that I just want to be me, and not a part of you."

"But Riles."

"No Maya, I love you like a sister but in the end I'm happy becoming who I am, I don't want war paint on my face, I just want my best friend to know when she should stop before she goes too far."

"Okay," Maya said as Riley started pulling out books on the battle of Gettysburg.

"You take half and I'll take half," Riley said as they walked back to their tables. "Maybe after this is done we can learn something."

"Yeah," Maya said feeling defeated.

The rest of the group did the same, they grabbed their books and started working, none of them said a word to the other as time passed. Riley looked up and smiled at her father when he came in and gave them all breakfast sandwiches he had gotten from her mother's café before he walked back out and left them alone.

"This is so boring," Zay said after her father left. "Can we do something more fun, like sneak out and play in the gym?"

"No," Farkle said to Zay before going back to writing his essay.

After another twenty minutes had passed Riley had finished putting the final touches on her short paper, when she looked up she saw that Lucas had finished as well. The only ones still working on their papers were Maya and Zay, both of which had started doing other things. Zay had constructed a paper football, and Maya had drawn all over her paper.

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