And when he saw her sitting lazily on the white bench, his heart restarted and his lunged started breathing. It was such a relief. He had gone crazy, searching for her. He acted purely like a panicked-driven lover searching for his lost love. But the sight of her sitting under the moonlight night enjoying the serene calmness, he felt all his tension easing away by just watching her enjoy the night. He wanted to go and sit by her side. He was not sure if she would like any company specially his. Deciding just to watch her over her he leaned on the wall for support. But there was something odd about it. 

Since the time they were here, he had noticed that she was different when she was with him and when they were surrounded by her friends. He even noticed that she goes quit when Ian was around. He never noticed them talk nor exchange any notion. . 

He spent some time waiting for her to return, but soon his legs gave away due to constant standing and he had to return to his room. But before he did, he asked the hotel security to look out for her and to call him, if any situation arise. So, when at around half past two, his door was knocked, he rushed to pick her up from the main lobby. He didn't know what happen, neither he knew how didn't she reached there, but keeping her safe was his main priority. Finding her unconscious he panicked and asked to call for the doctor. 

It was a good sigh that doctor signaled it as exhaustion and put her to sleep with some pain medication. Since then he had not left her room in a hope that if she would get up she might need something and he was right. She looked tired and pale. And hungry too. Last night her dinner was a slice of bread. 

Samantha locked her eyes with him and now that she could see his face, she knew that something was bothering him. But there were many question that was bothering her too. Like, what happened? How did she woke up in her bed? As she remembered, she was with Ian the previous night, so where did he go? And how much Sean knew about it? She wanted the answers to all, but there was an uneasiness as to how to put it across to him without hurting his feelings. She knew mentioning Ian would be a mistake and telling him about her yesterday venture would be a bigger mistake. 

"Umm...Sean, how long I was out?" She asked the most safest question when her eyes took into account the used medicine wrapper next to the trash bin and the new medication occupying her dressing table. 

"Hmm...," Sean paused as if calculating mentally. "....I found you unconscious state when the security personnel called me for help," he told her. 

"Oh," she uttered only that as her brain processed all the information. Glad that he didn't knew anything about the night and her spending time with Ian, but guilty at the same time for hiding it from him. But he deserve to know, moreover there was nothing to hide. As there was nothing between her and Ian. 

"Sean,..." she dragged it. Still unsure of her decision. 

"Yeah," he encouraged her to proceed. 

"You're not going to be mad on me if I tell you that I went out after midnight," she tried to use the most penitent voice to not to make him angry on her daring act. 

"I know," he spoke as if it meant nothing, but in reality he knew it and he had informed security to look out for her. 

Her heart skipped a beat when she heard his answer. There was not hint of surprise or any anger. He said as if he was there. Or was he there? Did he saw her with Ian? But why I'm getting worried about it. It was nothing. We did nothing.

"You know?" She asked sparingly. 

"Yeah, I mean, when I came to your room last night and didn't find you....I went crazy. And then I saw you sitting in the garden." 

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