Part one

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I woke up to a loud sound of some type of glass breaking I let a sad sigh and slowly made my way to the bathroom to get ready for school after I was done and ready I took a deep breath and slowly made my way down the stairs praying that my dad did it by mistake but once I went down the stairs was kinda hard too see my dad was on the floor with a bottle of whiskey and glass everywhere but what really broke my heart was a broken picture of my mom all ripped up I just let a tear or two fall down my face before quickly picking the picture up and folding it in my pocket while whipping my face and just going to my car once I got in my car i just drove to school trying to wrap my head around my life but sadly I couldn't do it all in one drive once I got to the big dark looking school parking lot I sigh and hoped out the car and just walk to my first period as I was walking I seen the pack laughing having a good time I wanted to say hey but lately when every I  was around them everything just had to be serious or they are completely annoyed by my presence I just decided against it and walk to class and almost as soon as I was class I heard Scott calling me I sighed happily but that soon faded when I heard bro let me tell you about what me and Allison did last night I rolled my eyes because that all Scott talks to me about now a days I just shook my head and walked away I'm kinda getting tired of this town and people I just can never do anything right but soon enough the bell for lunch ring bring me out my thoughts I don't really eat much this days I just sit and read but when I went to my lunch table I seen the pack just standing there waiting and staring at me once I was close to them I heard Scott saying look stiles we been friends since we was in diapers and I think that a beautiful thing but when I look up at Scott I seen his head down that when I heard Allison say he doesn't want to be you friends anymore I look at Scott and said is that true as I felt a single tear run down my cheek he let's of a annoyed sigh and said look stiles I'll make this short I don't like you anymore as friends and I want your crybaby ass out the fucking pack ok I looked at him like why why is everybody in my life is hurting me or leaving me I walk to my car with tears clouding my view I don't know where I'm going or how far I'm going but at this point I don't care

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