Thankgiving special

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Stiles was to busy staring down at his phone as he was walking through the hallway of the highschool paying no attention to his surroundings like most students. Everything was fine into he collided into a soft chest causing the younger boy to stumble back.

"Shit I'm sorry I wasn't paying attent- "

When stiles finally looked up to see who he was apologizing to he immediately shut his mouth annoyed to see it was Allison.

He had no problem when the female argent but every since the void situation she doesnt really like him very much. Which was understandable I mean void almost killed her but it wasn't stile he didn't wanna harm her or anyone else.

As much as he wanted to hate her he couldn't its harder to forgive the person for a crime when you see there face.

Stiles bit his lips muttering"my bad"

Allison looked up from her text book frowning at the younger boy she didn't hate him she just can't seem to look at his face it reminded her of void to much. She nodded and offered a small smile.

"No it's fine I wasn't watching to much of where I was going."

He nodded quickly moving around from her and continuing you his journey. Back to class unfortunately his plans to further is eduction today seem to be put on hiatus when he felt a strong arm grab him out of nowhere and yank him the bathroom. As soon as he was in the bathroom he instantly tried fighting the attackers by kicking one of them in the chest accusing them to fall backwards causing the other attacker to turn him around to face him . Stile smirked at as he kicked him where the attackers child marinate. Almost a immediately you can here the cries of pain through the whole school. Stiles stood over the attackers one groaning holding his chest and the other holding his poor baby makers. Stiles eyes flickered back and forth black and light brown. What really frightened one of the attackers was stile tiny little smirk appearing.

One of the attackers pull his hood and his accomplice down quickly putting his hands out "WAIT WAIT MOM ITS ME ISSAC AND JACKSON!"

One of stile eyebrows raised a bit as his now black eyes died down showing his whisky brown one. " what the hell I ?"

Jackson let out a tiny whine holding his children "dude I think you killed my kids ."

He looked towards the two boys crossing his arm " why can't you two act like normal people instead of acting like your gonna kidnap me?"

Issac slowly got up and helped Jackson stand up as well "we couldn't let Scott or Derek see us. "

The spaz cocked his head to the side in confusion " okay what does this have to do with me issac be more specific."

Jackson rolled his eyes still with a slight pout placed on his lips. " you know how thanksgiving tomorrow right ? Well McCall  is planning on cooking .... The last time that happened he burnt half of Derek house down...TWICE!"

stiles muffled out a laugh while coming his mouth in amusement. " alright I see the problem but how am I the solution?"

Issac and Jackson shared a nervousness look as stiles started connecting the dots

"Hell no nope nope nope"

"Why not ? "

"because I have better things to do with my life like going to France for vacation and not helping people that barely care about me cook for them."

He was completely over the conversation he made sure to slam the door on his way out.

Jackson looked down sadly he truly did feel ashamed in his part of driving stile away .  He never really hated him he just hated his sarcasm but even when he was gone he kinda missed it.  Issac sighed rubbing his face frustrated he never wanted it to become like this. He never wanted stiles to leave in the first place he knew stiles wasn't physically as strong as them but what he lack in body strength he accelerated in his determination and he's intelligence. To Issac stiles was just important to the pack as much as the alphas was.

"Hey Jackson ?"

"What is it Lahey ?"

Issac smirked at the thought " you still got that connect in the airport? "

Jackson looked at Issac with a mischievous expression on his face pulling out his phone "I'll give her a call right now."

Stile was busy packing his suitcase for his week in France. When his phone buzzed and started ringing he reach over to grab it when he seen the notification for a refund from... beacon airlines. Stile quickly answers the phone.

"Hello is this.. wow um Mieczyslaw Stilinski I apologize if I said that incorrectly.

"Yes this is may I ask who's calling ?"

"Ah yes I'm Tina calling form beacon airlines, we hate to inform you that all planes leaving for France are either cancelled or completely full at this time I have issued you your refund and I want to thank you patients have a splendid day."

Stiles barely could comprehend the information he was being told before the lady hung up. All he could do in that moment was blink before he screamed "WHAT THE FUCK!"

Meanwhile stiles was in his apartment trying to figure out different plans issac was sitting his his car right infront of his apartment entrance smirk before calling Jackson " plan thanksgiving a go" with that issac hung up on Jackson and started his drive home.

The next morning stiles was awoken from his sleep from the sound of bags ruffling and people chatting. He slow got up from his bed wrappings his robe around his self and placing his sleeping mask on his forehead.

He quickly reach for his baseball bat as he creeped slowly out his bedroom door making sure to be extremely quiet. Once he entered the living room that when he see it.  Every one from the hale pack was either in his living room or in his kitchen.

" um hello hi yes HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET IN MY HOUSE!"

Everyone stopped and turnt to look at him. Scott and Derek smiled at stiles outfits which was a fluffy pink pajama pants with little white bunny's all over them and fluffy white slides with a patching robe to his pajamas pant and a pink slick sleeping mask he didn't have any shirt on causing his pecks and his slightly sculpted waist to be on full display.

Some of the girls was surprised to see his beautiful waist and some on the guys was annoyed that stiles had traces of abs that's they barely have them selves.

Scott smiled at stiles" well issac told us your thanksgiving was cancelled so we decided to come over and make a friends giving.

Issac ducted behind Lydia in hopes stiles wouldn't kicked him in the chest again.

Stiles sighed and rubbed his temple he didn't wanna ruin the holiday and had nothing better to do.

"Fine let me get ready and I'll decide who helps me cook understand and Issac I'll deal with you Monday or something."


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