23. Shared Sentiment

Start from the beginning

It is late now and I really should rest. There is a growing sense of despair and uncertainty in the air, but I shall not let that spoil the mood.

Perhaps one more look at the painting...

Entry 4

I was most perturbed...

I was studying the painting in great detail. The woman in particular kept on drawing my interest, the little details that reminded me so much of Claire. Everything about her gave my heart a sense of longing, and it was as I conveyed my feelings aloud once more, that I could feel another presence close by.

I turned quickly to face the open door and I swore for a second that I saw a shape dash by. I ran to the door and looked both ways out into the corridor, but there was nothing there to be seen. 

Dismissing it as a result of my restless mind, I closed the door and went back to update this diary lest anything sinister happen to me. I would like a record kept in case they wonder what happens to me.

Not that I think that the vampire rumours are true, but there is certainly something odd about this place...

As Anton drew to a dramatic close, Hershel shook his head grimly.

"I recall this next part very well..."

"How so?" Martin inquired, scratching his left ear and then pinching himself to keep awake.

"You see, when Luke and I stayed at the castle, we also witnesses this painting and went to sleep. What happened next is all too familiar to me, however, I suspect Oliver will have endured a much different outcome to us."

"And most right you are!" Anton laughed. "What happened next was rare for me, but I found a strange feeling overcome me. This man was different. He piqued my curiosity, and I was glad for that."

Clearing his throat and opening the diary once more, Anton continued. Everyone sat on the edge of their seats to find out what happened next.

It seems Oliver has a knack for suspenseful storytelling, Anton thought with a smile.

Entry 5

I had the most extraordinary dream! I was inside the ballroom of that painting!

People danced in most merriment, and when my eyes caught that pair that took centre place, I was overcome with a great feeling of sentiment and also certainty. That man was undoubtedly Anton!

The feeling of sentiment came from seeing that beautiful woman dance. So elegant and... Dreamlike. Seeing her in person was like seeing Claire dance. Well, when Claire and I would dance. It was a special time in my life, one I would never dare to forget and seeing this now...

The dream seemed like it was about to go on. All the people seemed to be drawing to a close for a reason. I tried to wrap my head around why they would do this when my eyes snapped open and i was staring at the same roof I observed before nodding off.

The dream had seemed to end abruptly as if stolen from my mind by an unknown force. As if I didn't have the right to see what happened next.

It is a strange thing to say, after all, there is no higher force pulling me from my dreams, yet it certainly felt as if that were the case...

I smell the luxurious aroma of bacon and eggs and I know that breakfast will be ready soon. I was in awe of Nigel's cooking last night, and I was sure what awaited me below was just as amazing.

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