Chapter Eight.

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Chapter Eight.

Drew' s POV

I let my mouth drop a little after hearing what I just heard. How come he said that? Why would he say such a thing?

Okay before Violet and I became a thing I would debate whether or not I would just give up on the world. But I am good now.

I don't think it is his right to say that to me like that. I know I made the mistake of coming here but even than, why would he say that aloud? 

Does he hate me that much? To practially tell me I should have already kicked the bucket?

I clear my throat in hopes of not making myself sound even worse than what my thoughts could be. You are such an asshole and why are you telling me to kill myself when you don't know me.

"Nope I am still alive and doing way better Sir," I can tell my politeness has surprised him somewhat as he shakes his head and leans it back a little with a smirk.

"Mr. Dirksen is there an actual explanation of you coming by today or are you ruining my lunch for nothing?" He crosses his arms more tightly and I feel his eyes pierce right through mine.

I nod, " yes there actually is an explanation. I want to apologize sir."

That makes him tilt his head, "and why is that huh? What could you possibly be apologizing for?"

I take a deep breath and then lick my lips, "it's about what happened a year ago. "

His eyes dart down to his feet and his once straight posture slumps down as he knows exactly what I am saying.

He bites his lip hard and then he recalls to me, "oh you mean the death of my nephew. That?"

I make my eyes go big with the response he gave but then nod reluctantly, "yes," I mutter out.

"Why are you doing this? Hmm? After a whole year, you are finally stopping by? I waited for days on end to hear from you Drew. Days. You didn't want to talk to me-"

I interrupt him by putting my hand out, "I didn't want to talk to anyone. "

He looks exhausted with the conversation and his words hit me like truck as he says a statement, "Is that right?"

It wasn't like a question but more as a statement. It hurt me too. I had so much self doubt. So much doubt that no would care because of it seemed like that. But truth be told he would have been there for me if only I came by.

He uncrosses his arms and then looks at me again, "Drew I am glad you came by but there is no use to anymore. He is gone and there is no taking anything back. Yes it would have made it better if you stopped by but you didn't.  I can only sense how terrible it was for you. I'm sorry for all that happened I am but I think it is the best if you just go away. "

There is a lump in my throat and I try to surpass it as I furrow my eyebrows and speak, "I will. And I just want answers too Sir. Why would this happen? We had such a good friendship. I thought of you as my second father."

"Drew. Just stop talking like that. There is no use. No use to hurt each other even more than what we already have," he goes to the door again and opens it, "I will go by your house some time Okay? All of this apologizing and forgiving will have to take more time. Then we can find the answers together. "

I nod. I feel as if I should say something else but I know I can't however since he basically explained everything what I needed to know.

I stagger slowly to the car and look at those again after I turn around. This house was literally a second home to me for ages and now it feels so strange to be back.

I open the driver's side door and get in. I bite the end of my fingernail and it creates a hangnail I instantly dread.

I get the keys from the counsel and turn on the car. As the engine purrs to life I can't help but look back at the house once again. Mr. Kreshaw has found his place in the house and it seems derseted like an old house made in the fifties.

I look both ways before putting my car in gear and driving away from the street.

There are a lot of thoughts going through my mind that most people would think is bizarre but nonetheless I keep my eyes focused for the surroundings.

His words replay in my mind like all the memories I would usually have;however I still find myself getting home safely and reassuringly.

I am admittedly greeted by my father and mother with a hug and I wonder why. They seem more protective and loving then usually. That makes me wonder what is going on so I pull away from them.

"You guys? What is Wrong?" I ask with as much worry and concern my voice can carry.

Kacey looks at me with even worry loving to her eyes as my parents and i see her bottom lip being bitten by her own teeth. As if she might be hiding to she puts her hands down to her side and sighs hard and loudly.

"Kacey?" I ask my little sister.

She lets her lip go and then hands me her phone that I steadily take on my hands.

And I thought the post from earlier this morning was a mood setter. This is way worse. Because what was posted should never ever be on the internet once again. But here it is in clear view. For all my friends. All my classmates. All my family. Even I and everyone on in the world can gain access to it.

It leaves me even more speechless than what I was when I talked to Mr. Kreshaw. This is worse than that

Ten times worse ..

I dont know whether I should faint or kill who posted it. No matter what it will be bad for my health....

It Ends with Goodbye◇Drew Dirksen (Sequel to It Starts with Hello)Where stories live. Discover now