Chapter Three

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A calming serenade of the ocean hitting the shore slowly woke me up. I never did like the cliche beep beep of alarms. I sat up pressing the Stop icon before getting out of bed. Quickly I got up and began to gather my clothes, Tiger and Onyx beginning to stand and stretch. After getting dressed I left my room and went to the kitchen to get breakfast ready. After throwing together an assortment of Cheerios, syrup, bananas, and milk into a bowl Onyx and Tiger walk in. Taking a bite of my food, I open a bottom cupboard and bring out two bags, one containing cat food and the other dog food. Keeping up my traditional intervals of feeding them I quickly went and poured them both their foods which they happily began to eat right away.

After finishing my food and brushing my teeth, I began to gather my essentials. Scouring for my backpack and keys I begin to leave, letting out a hasty "Goodbye" to the two before closing the door and walking to my bike. I hope on and begin my ride to school. The ride was only about twenty minutes, it being closer then the Sohma residence. I pass by several stores and homes, some a mixture of the two. However only two stores catch my eye every time. One being a fashion store and the other being a sweets store. However my thoughts of gathering a delicious snack were quickly set off with the feeling of someone watching me catching me off guard. I had only been about ten minutes into the ride, another ten to go and I could tell these watching eyes were not gonna go away.

Finally I got to school, I place my bike in a bike rack and wrap my chain around the tire. The eyes were still on me as a quick, anonymous feeling overcame me and I turn to my right, seeing Hana watching me. Around her were the Sohmas, Uo, and Tohru. Tohru turned and smiled brightly at me, waving me down. I walk to her, once again being greeted with a smile.

"Hiya Jack! How are you today?"

"I'm doing swell Tohru. How about you all?" In return I got a grunt from Kyo, much to Uos annoyance. Others said they were well and thanked me. We began to walk inside to class, and a huddle of girls panting, hiding behind a corner caught my eye. Ignoring them, Tohru was quick to start up conversations with me.

"Hey we never did ask you, but why did you come here anyways? To Japan I mean."

"Oh, truthfully I have been all over the world. Recently I was in Italy dining on some of their delicious cuisine. I had to make a stop to the U.S. for some personal reasons. From there I came here."

"Woah really?!" Uo chirped up with excitement "You've been all over the world? How can you afford that?"

"Well... my mother left me a large amount of money and I am being given large amounts of money by someone who owed my father."

"Interesting~! So your rich too, huh?" We all turned to the owner of the voice. It was a girl in our grade, she wore pigtails and began to look me up and down. There were a hoard of girls behind her, many looking at me in awe. Tohru's friends faces turned into a look of pure annoyance, even Tohru gave a small look of distaste towards her presence.

"Rich and cute, eh? What a perfect combination!" Said another.

"Um I'm sorry... but who are you?" A grin covered the girls face, "We are the Prince Yuki! We have come because we heard there was a new, cute boy in town and decided that we should see if you are good enough!"

"Good enough for what?"

"To-" Before finishing Uo let out a growl and walked up to the girls, making them all jump back in fear.

"Shut your mouths! We don't need Jack hearing any of your nonsense! Now scram!" Although frightened, the girl, that I can now tell is the leader, stood up to Uo with quivering legs.

"N-now listen here Uo! You may be r-ruff and tough but you cannot hurt us on school grounds without being e-expelled!" She stood, a little more confident then when she first began, but quickly after her words, a venomous aura filled the air. All turned to Hana, who looked at the girls, her lips pulled into a small emotionless frown. Before another word was uttered the girls ran faster then I thought was humanly possible. Uo grinned with delight as she turned to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2017 ⏰

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