Chapter Two

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The ride was nice however short lived. I come to a slow halt as I stop in front of a rather dense forest. I see no one in the surrounding area and there are no houses in the immediate area as well. I look deeper into the forest, waiting a few seconds to see if Kyo would come, however he never did. I take my phone and dial Tohrus number, calling her. It rings for a few moments before answering.


"Hey Tohru, I'm at the address and I don't see Kyo."

"He isn't there? Hold on a moment." Its silent for a little, the only sound is of men talking that grows closer as the seconds go by. Finally I can hear them and Tohru begins to talk as well.

"Kyo you were supposed to meet up with Jack."

"Huh? What do you mean? No one told me that!"

"Well actually she did tell you. You were just so busy glaring at Yuki, you weren't listening."

"...Why do I have to get him anyways? Why can't that stupid rat go get him?"

"Because he's busy with a project a teacher asked him to do. I can't go because I'm cooking and Shigures busy with writing his novel. You're the only one who can." An angry grunt comes from Kyo as I hear shuffling and a slight sigh from Tohru.

"Ok he's going. He'll be there in a few minutes. So just wait for him. If you want you can go into the forest and onto the path and you should run into him along the way."

"Oh, uh okay. Thanks Tohru." And she hung up. I look into the forest, now searching for an opening or something along the lines of a path. Finally my eyes fall upon a rather small opening into the forest that seems to have a small dirt pathway connecting to it. I roll my bike to the opening and push it through, me going through after. I walk my bike over the dirt and take on my surroundings. The sounds of animals moving about as they scavenge for food were the only sound that could be heard, other than my own footsteps and the sound of the wheels on the dirt path. I continued to walk for several minutes, no sign of Kyo anywhere. In the distance however I hear a sound that wasn't there before. As I continue my walk I realize that it's a person, seemingly talking to them. I continued at a slightly faster pace, a little spooked. Anyone could be in these woods and I wouldn't know. A murderer, or a psychotic man who is ready to shred into someone at any second. As the voice gets closer I get ready for the worse, I just hope that whatever it is, is kind or at least slow so I can run to safety. I come to a slight turn in the path, as I take the turn I hear a slight movement in the bushes, causing me to jump and look to my side. However before turning back I feel myself crash into something. I jump back a little, cursing at myself if I literally just ran into a tree. I look forward, seeing a rather tall boy with orange hair.

"Watch where you're going." He hissed, looking at me with pure annoyance.

"Oh my god sorry! I wasn't paying attention I thought I heard an axed murderer." He gave me a questionable look that asked me if I was an idiot. "You wouldn't happen to be the one muttering to themselves were you?"

"I don't know, I guess-"

"So you were the axed murderer. What a twist." I mumbled, he stared at me, questioning my sanity, before turning and beginning to walk off.

"Whatever, come on." He turned and started to walk, I quickly followed, catching up to him quickly. A silence overcame us for a while that I could not stand.

"So you call every new kid a 'random ass guy'?" He stiffened, but did not reply. "... So how'd you get to live with Tohru?" That was something he seemed to like, his body relaxing just at hearing her name.

"It was stupid really. She was living in the forest after her grandpa had moved in with other family while his house was being remodeled. We took her in- or rather Yuki and Shigure took her in. And she's been living with us ever since, even after the renovations on her grandpas house were done." He seemed to relax, reminisce on the memories he had with Tohru.

The Fox | A Kyo X Male OC Story |Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin