Have a great weekend. Another rose will be waiting for you on Monday.

-Love, E


"Yo P, what's all this?" Kaia, Piper's best friend yells once she enters her room. Her green eyes were fixated on the stack of envelopes and different colored roses that sat neatly on her white dresser.

Piper sighs since she already knew what her friend was referring to. She wanted to keep the whole thing a secret until the boy who was doing all of this for her revealed himself. But she knew there was no way to hide it since Kaia had already begun to reopen the envelopes and read the letters tucked inside.

The short girl exits her bathroom and flings herself onto her bed. She wanted to rip the letters out of Kaia's hands, since they were very personal and special to her. But her friend had already read three of them.

It seems as if she had gotten bored of the long and romantic letters, since she had put them down and begin to inspect the four different colored roses. Piper stands up and grabs the burgundy one from today out of her bag. She adds it to the vase and also sets the envelope on top of the others.

"You gonna explain this or what?"

"Nothing to explain." She says, sitting back down on her bed and picking at her long fingernails. Kaia scoffs and takes a seat next to her.

"So you're telling me that you've been receiving cheesy ass love letters and roses for God knows how long and there's nothing to explain?"

The sentence itself made Piper's cheeks heat up. She purses her lips and shrugs, not really knowing what to say. Her best friend scoffs and roughly pushes her shoulder. She continues to irk her until she finally snaps and tells her everything.

Starting from Monday when she received the first rose, she explained everything about the roses and letters that she had been getting. Kaia asked her about the secret admirer and if she had any idea of who it is.

To be completely honest Piper admits that she has no clue as to who it is. All she knows is that his name starts with an E. She was extremely anxious to figure out who he was.

She really hoped she liked him. From what she knew about him so far, it made it seem like she was going to end up liking him. He had nice hand writing, he's sweet, deep, and has a way with words. She doesn't even know who he is and he makes her feel special.

"Hopefully he's cute." Kaia says and picks up the light pink rose that she got on Monday.

"Looks aren't everything, K."

Kaia rolls her eyes and mutters a small whatever. She picks up her thin iPhone and begins to type away at it quickly. Piper listens to the sound of her acrylic nails tapping against the screen and ends up zoning out.

Don't get her wrong, Piper loves Kaia, she's her best friend, but sometimes she wish she had someone else to talk to. Kaia can be slightly irritating sometimes and very judgmental towards others.

Piper has plenty of close friends but Kaia is her best friend. She tells her everything,she'd die for her. Despite the two being complete opposites they get along well most of the time.

Kaia is very sassy and blunt. She says what's on her mind and only cares for herself and Piper. She's extremely protective over her best friend and will do anything to keep her safe. Fighting physically is how she settles most things. Which is something that Piper dislikes immensely.

"When do you find out who this secret admirer is?" Kaia questions and locks her phone.

"Only seven more days. Doesn't seem like a long time but it'll probably go by slowly."

Piper falls back and stares straight up at her ceiling. A smile spreads across her face when she feels her best friend of almost eight years plop down next to her.

"I need to meet him as soon as possible. Just want to make sure he's good for you."

Kaia wraps her arms around her and pulls her in for a tight hug. Piper giggles and nods, promising to let Kaia meet the boy as soon as he's ready to do so.

The dark haired girl knew that the whole entire weekend was going to be spent worrying about meeting this boy. Her nerves increased the more she thought about it.

Her eyes drifted towards the five roses sitting neatly in the glass vase perched on her dresser. Her heart felt warm when she thought about her secret admirer. She may be nervous, but she was also excited to receive the rest of the roses and letters from him.


Hope you guys are liking the story so far :-)

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