Chapter 3.

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Tee was in the attic it was her safe place when ever she felt unsafe she'd come up here or shed go to Johnny but now he isnt she was mostly here.

"Hey Tee"Harry says.
"Hey"Tee says.
"You scared"Harry asked.
"What"Tee asked.
"You always come up here when your scared"Harry asked.
"No i just wanted some quiet thats all looking through some old memories actually look what i found"Tee says as Harry went over.

"Sapphire"Harry says with a smile.
"Yeah look Gus,Toby,Frank,Liam"Tee says.
"Tracy"Harry says.
"Yeah"Tee says with a smile.

"Do you miss everyone sometimes i do"Harry asked

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"Do you miss everyone sometimes i do"Harry asked.
"Everyday but just because were not always together doesnt mean anything"Tee says.
"I dont get it"Harry says.
"Well people you care about are like planets you know how they have gravity that keeps them together"Tee says as he nods "just like us even when you cant see your family dont mean there not always with you because they are"Tee says.
"Thanks Tee can i take this i want to show Mike"Harry says.
"Yeah go on"Tee says as he heads downstairs.

Tyler,Jody were in the kitchen with Bailey,Moe,Ryan,Floss and Mike.

"Hey Mike i was upstairs with Tee look what we found"Harry says.
"Old photo album"Mike says.
"Yeah it has Sapphire in it, Liam,Frank,Gus,Toby even Tracey"Harry says.
"Lets see Harry"Tyler and Jody say.

"Hey Tyler look at you"Jody says.
"Oh my"Tyler says.
"Who are these people"Ryan asked.
"They all lived here before you"Jody says.
"Yeah there super cool"Harry says.
"Look how young everyone is"Jody says.
"I know"Tyler says.

"Where did you say you found this"Jody asked.
"In the attic Tee found it and showed me"Harry says.
"Wait did you say Tee in the attic"Mike says as Harry nods.
"Whats wrong with that"Bailey asked.

"Tee only goes up there either when she's sad or scared like she doesnt feel safe"Harry says.
"Really"Moe says.
"Wonder what made her feel unsafe"Bailey says as Ryan walks off.

"Hey Mike look your not grey in any of these pictures wait yeah you are"Tyler says as they laugh.
"Alright let us look at it"Bailey asked as he and moe look through it.

Ryan headed up to the attic where Tee was.

"What do you want"Tee asked.
"Harry showing everyone them photos"Ryan says.
"Yeah i know he told me he wanted to show Mike"Tee says.
"What did you two talk about"Ryan asked.
"The old times with them people Harry said that he misses them sometimes"Tee says.
"Oh"Ryan says.

"You didnt answer my question what do you want"Tee asked.
"Believe it or not here to apolgise Harry explained how you come here when you dont feel safe you litrually ran up here after talking to me when we were walking home i might not he your friend or whatever but i never want anybody to not feel safe especially in their home"Ryan says.
"Thank you i appreciate that"Tee says with a smile.

"Got anymore pictures"Ryan asked.
"Yeah"Tee says opening another photo album.

"You were all pretty tight huh"Ryan says.
"Yeah thanks to Liam he always made people feel welcome he really helped me and Johnny when we first arrived everyone looked up to him"Tee says.
"Really"Ryan says.
"Yeah everyone was like a family we all were like siblings Liam and Sapphire the older ones everyone listened too"Tee says as she was explainging everything to Ryan she started to feel less scared.

"How did i scare you earlier"Ryan asked.
"When you came into my face Keith would do that before he beat me sometimes i get flashbacks of him doing it"Tee says.
"Are you ok now"Ryan asked and she nods.
"Yeah i'm ready to come down now"Tee says as she heads down Ryan behind her.

"Ha look at everyone"Floss says.
"Hey Tee"Carmen says.
"Everyone looking at that photo album"Harry says.
"I found another one there here"Tee says.
"Alsome"Tyler says as they were all looking through it as Ryan went over with them.

"Look how young Harry is there"Sasha says.
"Ah Harry"they all say.

"Are you ok Tee"Mike asked.
"Yeah just needed some quiet"Tee says as he nods.
"You know where i am if you need to talk"Mike says as she nods.
"I do thanks"Tee says as she walks over.

Love in the dumping ground.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora