Chapter 3 On the boat

Start from the beginning

O'Connell returns Daniel's cocky look.

O'CONNELL: Yer on.

Burns slips on his dirty bifocals.

BURNS: What makes you so confident, sir?

O'CONNELL: What makes you?

Henderson spits a wad of chew into a spittoon.

HENDERSON: We got us a man who's actually been there

'O'Connell's poker face drops, perplexed. Same with Jonathan and Juliette'

JONATHAN: What a coincidence, why----

'O'Connell 'accidentally' hits him in the ribs with the gunny-sack, shutting him up. Jonathan quickly covers.'

JONATHAN: --whose deal is it? Is it my deal? I thought I just dealt?

After that one round, I wasn't allowed to play anymore, because everyone lost, against me. (When I was 10 I always played it with my father and without knowing anything, I always won.) Anyways, after that, I went to look after Evy.


I and Evy are sitting at a table, me staring out over the passing river

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I and Evy are sitting at a table, me staring out over the passing river. Rick drops his gunny-sack onto the table, startling my sister. It was hilarious, you should have seen her face. But I just had to bite back my laugh.

O'CONNELL: Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya 

ELVELYN The only thing that scares me, Mister O'Connell, are your manners,

O'CONNELL: Still angry that I kissed ya, huh?

EVELYN: If you call that a kiss.

O'Connell reaches into the gunny-sack and starts pulling out many weapons.

 EVELYN: Did I miss something? Are we going into battle?

O'CONNELL: Lady, there's something out there. Something underneath that sand.

EVELYN: Yes, I'm hoping to find a certain artifact, a book, actually, our brother thinks there's treasure. What do you think is out there?

O'Connell looks into Evelyn's eyes.

O'CONNELL: In a word, Evil. The Tuaregs and the Bedouin believe that Hamunaptra is cursed,

EVELYN: Oh, look, I don't believe in fairy tales and hokum, Mister 0'Connell, but I do believe that one of the most famous books in history is buried out there. The Book Of Amun- Ra. It contains within it all the secret incantations of the old kingdom.It's what first interested me in Egypt as a child. It's why I came here, sort of a life's pursuit.

O'CONNELL And the fact that they say it's made out of pure gold, makes no nevermind to you, right?

Evelyn is surprised by his knowledge. 

EVELYN: You know your history.

O'CONNELL I know my treasure.

Evelyn gets up to go, then she hesitates, nervous, she turns back to O'Connell, and as matter-of-fact as possible says:

 EVELYN: By the way, ...why did you kiss me?

O'Connell, cleaning his guns, just shrugs his shoulders

O'CONNELL: I was about to be hanged, seemed like a good idea at the time.

Evelyn's eyes widen, furious, she turns and storms off. O'Connell looks up, watching her leave, a bit perplexed

O'CONNELL: What? .... What'd I say?

JULIETTE: I don't know, something nice or romantic, after all, that was her first kiss, something like:

I was about to be hanged, so I wanted the last thing I did, to be kissing a beautiful woman.

Then we hear someone snickering behind a few suitcases. 

Rick quickly reaches down, grabs that someone and lifts him up. It's Beni.

BENI: My very good friend! What a surprise

O'CONNELL: Why if it ain't my little buddy, Beni. I outta kill you.

O'Connell holds a gun to Beni's throat. Beni swallows hard, then tries to weasel his way out.

BENI: Think of my children

RICK: You don't have any children.

BENI: Someday I might.

I couldn't hold it any longer, it was hilarious.

RICK: Shut up! So you're the one leading the Americans, I shoulda figured. So what's the scam? You take them into the middle of the desert and then leave 'em to rot?

BENI: Unfortunately no, these Americans are smart, they pay me only half now, half when I get them back to Cairo, so I must go all the way.

O'Connell pulls the gun away. 

RICK: Them's the breaks, huh?

BENI: You never believed in Hamunaptra, O'Connell. Why are you going back?

'They look as they hear a noise. Evy is stroking camel in the horse paddock' 

O'CONNELL: You see that girl? She saved my neck.

BENI: You always did have more balls than brains.

Rick starts laughing and goes with Beni to the edge of the ship and says Goodbye Beni before throwing him off the boat. Beni splashes into the river. O'Connell takes his gunny-sack and starts walking off down the deck.

BENI(o.s) O'Connell!

And that's when we spot three sets of wet footprints coming up over the railing from the river and heading down the deck. Rick quickly looks around, immediately on the alert

RICK: Evelyn !!

'Rick comes storming into the room, with me behind him.'

JULIETTE: a Mumia! 

The Medji spins Evelyn around and holds her out in front of him. O'Connell looks at her.

'I spin around just as a window bursts open. A Mumia leans in. He tries to fire a gun, but before he can do that, I throw one of my knives at his neck, killing him instantly. Rick shoots at him again, to make sure he is dead and shoots a lantern in the room the kerosene inside bursts into flames at instant. Evy grabs the candle on the table and jams it over her shoulder into the eye of Captian Hook. He screeches in pain and lets her go. O'Connell grabs her and yanks her out of the flaming room. Rick pulls Evelyn down the hall, she tries to jerk free. 

EVELYN: The map! We need the map!

JULIETTE: Who cares about that stupid map?! You almost died.

O'CONNELL: Relax! I'm the map! 'taps his forehead' It's all up here.

EVELYN: Oh that's comforting.

Rick pulls her forward

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