"I'm guessing this is it then. Right Bee?" Hayley asked.

Bee un-buckled us and we got out. I looked around and saw Mudflaps and Skids. Hayley stayed back with Bee while I walked to Mikaela. As I walked to her Shadow was squirming in her hand and looked frantic. Once he saw me, he literally jumped of her hand and made his way to me. I giggled and bent down. ShadowLight jumped on me and I fell back, "ShadowLight! Geez I know you missed me mommy did too." I said and ShadowLight clung to my neck as I stood up, "Miky sorry if he was giving you a hard time."

"It's alright Luna. It's funny because he started to act like that after we picked Sam up in the woods. What happened? Where were you?" Mikaela asked.

"Sam didn't tell you?" I asked. She shook her head no. I sighed, "Optimus fought Megatron and was able to kill a con. He called out for Sam and me when he was done. I was about to run up to him when Megatron stabbed him and killed him with a shot. I walked up to Optimus when he had passed and stayed there. I don't know how long until one of the bots grabbed me and I guess I fainted." I told her. She looked sad. ShadowLight seemed to still be a bit shaky so I put him on my palm. I saw he wasn't active and chirpy like usual. I walked a little far from the group and contacted Ratchet through the bond.

Oppi? I said through the bond.

Lunar is something wrong? He asked me.

ShadowLight isn't as chirpy and active like usual. I think somethings wrong. I said. I was kind of scared.

Shadow might just be hungry Jazz is on his way and has food for him. He should be there in five minutes or less. It better be less. He growled.

Oppi don't kill the second in command, he's also my sparkmate don't do that. I giggled out loud.

I won't, if he hurts you I may. He growled again

Fine. See you soon Oppi. I said letting sadness go through the bond.

See you soon Lunar. Take care. He sounded sad too.

I will. Later Oppi. I ended it.

"Yo, Leo!" Skids yelled out. I turned around and saw Spitz.

"This thing's gonna give me a heart attack, I swear." Spitz said. I sighed and rolled my eyes at him.

"That's 'cause you is a wuss." Mudflap said. I laughed and both twins smiled at me.

I heard a car pull up behind me. ShadowLight started to jump up and down on my palm. I looked back and found Jazz. I smiled at him and he activated his holoform. He had a bottle of low grade energon ready for Shadow. Jazz walked over and Shadow jumped at him. They fell back and I giggled softly, "I see I was missed a lot or is it because I brought you food Shadow?" Jazz said.

"I say it's both." Jazz smiled at me. I offered him my hand to get up but he pulled me down with him. Shadow chirped in happiness and snuggled by Jazz.

"I think he was only missing me." Jazz said as he got up and walked to his car to put the energon away. I stayed on the ground but sat up. Jazz came up behind me, sat down, and hugged me to him.

"You guys forced me into that car, right?" Spitz said.

"I think he's scared." Mudflap said.

"Hey, Mudflap, what are we gonna do with this shrimp taco?" Skids asked.

"Let's pop a cap in his ass throw him in the trunk and then nobody gonna know nothing, know what I mean?" Mudflaps said.

"Not in my trunk." Skids said.

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