4. Lucky Pennies Aren't All That Lucky

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4. Lucky Pennies Aren't All That Lucky

I was thankful for that moment when you first woke up.

That flicker of a second where everything was peaceful, where there was silence and no voices speaking of gangs and violence and threats aimed at me.

Everything was perfect.

That is until reality decided to smack me in the face.

The noise that came out of mouth sounded barely human, as the memories of the previous night hit me - including the pain. "Good God, Ash, couldn't you have given me something for this damn pain." I gritted out, "Least you could do."

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest when a figure stood up from the chair in the corner.

"Sorry - I knew it wore off, I just wanted you to wake up." Ash apologized, "The medicine will make you sleepy."

I let out a gasp, clasping my hand to chest. "You - you scared me."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Sorry about that."

I watched him, feeling guarded. "You aren't going to kill me, right?"

Ash rolled his eyes, "No. We are not going to kill you."

"But, you're a gang right?" I pushed, wincing as I tried to sit up.

He sighed. "You would call it a gang - it isn't that at all. We would be the good guys anyways." He pushed.

"The good guys." My voice fell flat. "You're in a gang! That means you aren't exactly great. I need some luck."

"Borrow this," Ash winked, reaching into his pocket to produce a penny. "It's my lucky penny, just for you."

I took it from his palm. I needed any help I could get. "Thanks." My voice fell flat. "That doesn't help anything though."

Ash rolled his eyes. "We are all here for certain reasons. We aren't just here because we think it is 'cool' This was the only choice we had."

"They forced you to be in here!" I shrieked, my eyes widening in alarm.

Ash smacked a hand to his forehead. "No - you don't-"

"I thought I heard an annoying voice." Riley rolled his eyes, appraising me. "And I was right - the drama queen has risen from the dead."

"I'm not dramatic." I sighed. "You're the one who carries a gun and is in a gang! You could shoot me!"

"I wish." He grumbled, his nose wrinkling. "Sadly, we all have orders not to harm you. And gang?" He snorted, shaking his head.

"Orders?" My tone had curiosity written all over it. "What - wait, no? I'm not getting tied into this-"

I was cut off by Ash mumbling "Too late..."

I didn't pause to ponder that thought. "...I demand you release me! I want to leave."

"Sorry, Doll." Jace had walked through the door, a smirk etched onto his face. "In your condition and with all this shit happening, you aren't leaving."

"Right." I hissed sarcastically, gripping my stomach in pain. "Do you have any ibuprofen?" I hissed to Ash.

"I'll get you something stronger." He was quick to stand up, rifling through the cabinets that lined the walls of the room.

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