Chapter One

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Letting out a small, hard breath of air, I ascended the last stairs to my house and turned the key that hung from my lanyard in its lock before opening the door.

"Gosh that was tiring. Why is the bus stop so far from my house?" I muttered to myself.

Relieved though that school had finally ended and the weekend was just around the corner, I eagerly began throwing my shoes off and kicking them into the mess of other shoes to my right.

"Minh! Put your shoes on the rack or I'm going to throw them out!" My mom shouted from across the hall.

Crap. I quickly followed her command and with great effort did
I manage to place my shoes neatly on top of the rack. I mean could you blame me? I preferred taking my shoes off with my feet to avoid the extra pain of having to bend down. I sure know I wasn't the only one as I glanced at my sibling's shoes that would soon be finding their new homes in the dumpster.

Not my problem.

I entered the house and the strong scent of fried fish immediately invaded my nostrils. I pursed my lips slightly.

"I'm back grandma!" I yelled over the sizzling and popping sounds emitting from the kitchen.

I didn't hear a reply and assumed she was too focused on avoiding getting burned, so I quickly made my way up another set of stairs (why the heck did we have so many stairs) and entered my room, closing the door behind me.

"Phew, did I make it in time?" I asked myself as I took my backpack off my shoulder and began sniffing it.

I nodded my head in satisfaction once I realized there was no lingering scent of fried food on my bag.

"Okay it's a Friday so that means more anime time!" I exclaimed moving to reach for my tablet on my bed. Just before touching it, I paused and instead reached for my backpack.

"Homework first. Okay let's see...."

I pulled out my five subject journal along with a pencil from my bag and made my way to my desk situated to my right. I quickly sat down and opened my journal up to a page filled with descriptions on a disease. I had a presentation in Health Science on Monday, so I needed to memorize the disease's properties and whatnot. I crossed my legs onto my chair in an attempt to get comfortable and plugged in my earphones as I got to work while listening to anime OSTs.

Somewhere along the line, essentially only two minutes into my studying, I began dozing off. I shook my head vigorously to wake myself up and frowned.

Okaaay.....that was really weird. I know I got seven hours of sleep last night like I usually do, and I know for a fact that I'm used to studying straight after school for way longer periods of time than this without nodding off.

I picked up my phone from my lap and scrolled through my playlist trying to find a more upbeat song that would hopefully wake me up.

"Attack on Titan Opening One...that should do." I affirmed as I replaced my phone on my lap and focused my attention back to the paper.

My head began to drop multiple times and each time I tried to bring it back up I failed. I probably looked like something from a horror movie. What with my dark mounds of hair wildily jerking around and eyes drooping that you couldn't tell if I was awake or asleep.

My vision began to blur even more than before, and I just knew I was a goner when I effortlessly let my head fall onto my journal and my eyes to shut close. I let my arms dangle lifelessly to my side as I slowly felt my body become numb.

The Weight of Humanity: An Attack On Titan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now