Chapter 39

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I arrived at my parents,well technically,my house around 10 minutes later. They came out on the porch to great me at the sound of my car pulling in the drive. It was a nice day a least. I waved and grabbed my stuff out of the car before making my way toward them. Here let me take that,how do you feel,are you okay,my mother said. Mom I've got it I'm fine don't worry about me I'm okay,I said. I knew it would be like that so honestly I have no clue how I'm going to survive a week of this,I'm gonna do it,I'm gonna be fine,I whispered to myself. They care that's all. They haven't seen you in forever because you've been very sick you may still be sick,I thought.

4 days later

I was doing okay. I haven't seen Leo though we FaceTimed two nights ago. I had caught a cough I don't think it's much to be worried about even so two more days then I will go back home with Leo and I'll talk to Sarah if it's still there. My parents are a bit concerned but it's not bad. We've been out to dinner,they've cooked,we've gone shopping and to the movies. I came home and went to bed early thinking it was just a cold and I'd be fine in a couple days. But that wasn't the truth. Later that night I was running a high fever and so with pain adding to it with low vitals and unconsciousness that I couldn't wake from I was rushed to the hospital for an infection. I couldn't breathe and my chest was on fire. I screamed and my parents called an ambulance. Two paramedics ran into my house as others fiddled with the stretcher trying to see the easiest way to get me down the steps. One of the medics decided there was not enough time so connecting an oxygen mask to a portable tank and putting it on me,he carefully picked me up and I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck trying to put out the fire burning inside of me. He was running holding my back and under my legs.They laid me on the stretcher gently then it went black again. Hours later gaining consciousness I was in a isolated cancer ward room with antibiotics and chemo flowing aggressively into me. My mom called Leo and Sarah after school that afternoon. I was rushed here after 3 am and she called them after I was awake because she was tired and didn't think about it until I asked. He knew instantly by Sarah's quiet movements and tears so they moved quickly finally arriving. I hated Sarah had to be the one to break the news but he knew something was wrong because I never came home. He was in with me a few minutes after I fell unconscious again before they arrived from my meds. They separated us but finally Sarah got him into visit. I remember we were in the hospital room and as the sun came up we looked at each other. I had lost consciousness the oxygen flowing into me. He was laying on the bed with me I was smuggled against his chest. Sarah came in at that time. This fight isn't gonna be as simple as we thought. We had plenty of pictures though. Is she out of the woods yet?Are we clear,he would ask Sarah several times while I curled closer to his chest. All she did was nod no for a little while every time her eyes rimmed full of tears. I knew why because she didn't think I was gonna make it and knew it would kill Leo too. I remember the last time when we fell apart and then back together. Listen,she said to him when I was asleep,we've done everything the infection is coming on stronger than we thought her body is weak and she has as many antibiotics as her body can take,now it is just sit and wait. She then left. He cried and while he cried I cried with him till I lost consciousness again. I slept on his chest his warm arms holding me close. We had some pictures at least for him to remember me by which he promised to never forget me and pictures would help . Again when she returned hours later are we out of the woods yet,are we in the clear,he asked multiple times this time it was a yes. The infection is finally getting out of her system,the antibiotics kicked in and shes almost clear,we are out of the worst of it, yes we are out of the woods,she said to clarify. Oh thank god,he said closing his eyes to keep from crying his eyes full of tears a small smile on his lips as he pulled me closer on his chest hugging me close covering me with the blanket as he kissed the top of my head. I was gonna make it. I did make it. It hit quick and hard so once I get better unless I'm coming to chemo to clear up my recent bout of cancer then I am to stay home where it is sanitized. But I'm alive. I beat the odds of surviving that infection and I lived. I was in between being asleep and being awake. I had heard this and found his sweatshirt which I wrapped into my hand. He put his hand over mine and squeezed gently as I went out again. A few days later I was sitting up and fully conscious. We both found this to be a miracle. I was stronger and the doctors were thinking about discharging me that afternoon with the rule that I stay at home with Leo and Sarah. My immune system is almost completely gone because of this recent infection I had to fight. I was eventually discharged with specific instructions given to Sarah. I fell asleep in the car and slept almost the entire evening after I got home. I woke up and cut some music on before drifting off. I woke that morning to find Leo sitting at his desk reading a book. It was probably for his English class. I sat up slowly and glanced at the clock on the table. 8:31 am. It was early but it didn't matter asides from schoolwork and eating and spending time with Leo I could only sleep. I got up and wrapped my arms around him. He realized I was awake and offered to make me breakfast so arm in arm we walked to the kitchen. He began to make some eggs and bacon (the bacon was for him I would never eat such a thing). I looked out the window and saw the storm clouds moving in.

April's POV
It was began pour down rain as the storm moved in. In the area surrounding Leo's house where I have been trapped with no school because of my illness and being forced to stay home and flooding that began in the area due to the size of the storm moving in. I was inside in bed glancing at social media apps for the first time in days on my phone when something caught my eye. Some girls from school who I didn't personally know were jealous about my relationship with Leo and were posting and teasing me about my disease saying that I wasn't truly sick but just seeking attention and an excuse to miss school. They were calling me ugly and saying that Leo was only using me to get other girls. I couldn't take it anymore and I had a secret spot only Leo knew about and I needed to be there. Another thing was that Leo wasn't home yet since he ran to the store since his vehicle has better tires. I ran going to my secret spot and Sarah heard the door slam after me as I enter the darkness outside. I ran through mud tearing my clothes all besides my rain soaked sweat jacket. I lost my shoes but continued on crying. The tears were burning hot against my face that was wind whipped with freezing cold rain. I hit my foot on a fallen tree not noticing that the tree was even there. I continued on even though could barely put pressure on my foot with pain shooting through me with every step I took. I eventually collapsed a little ways away from my spot as the storm continued in full force around me. Now I was stuck in a severe storm alone. Why am I so impulsive? I continued to cry as everything became blurrier as I blacked out.

Leo's POV
Mom was outside on our porch with a flashlight scanning the yard when I pulled in. I heard my tires squeak as I skidded to a stop. What happened,I shouted to her but the sound got lost in the storm. I threw the stuff down on the counter and ran outside. I didn't see April anywhere. What happened mom where's April, I asked frantically and begin to panic. She's gone,I don't know,all I know is the door slammed closed and she went running into the storm in that direction and she hasn't come back,she said. What do you mean gone, I asked and took off running into the storm. I had my raincoat on over my sweat jacket. I ran harder,I had to find her before it was too late,before the storm worsened again. Finally,I was almost near her spot she showed me when I saw a crumpled figure on the ground her face tear streaked with tears,rain and makeup . I sprinted over through the thick mud and puddles calling her name. She didn't move or even acknowledge that she heard me. I took my warm jacket off gathering her in my arms and wrapping her in it. I started to sprint with her in my arms back to the house and hoping it wasn't too late, she was still unconscious. Are we home yet,she mumbled the first sound since I found her. Almost,I said as I ran up the stairs with my moms flashlight shining as she called my name. I found her get the door,I shouted and she moved quickly to do as I asked. We laid an old quilt on the floor. My mom removed her wet clothes putting her in something warm and dry. She was now conscious for the most part. We wrapped her in piles of blankets to warm her too keep her from hypothermia as its beginning stages settled in. She writhed in pain arching her back still in serious pain. What's wrong, I asked her pulling the blankets tighter. My foot ,she got out with teeth gritted. My mom looked at it and it was swollen. Mom said it was sprained pretty badly but surprisingly not broken. We wrapped it and she needed to keep pressure off of it. Mom left. It's okay,I said as I squeezed the hand I've been holding. What happened, I asked. Girls from school---she held back tears---- they were posting mean stuff about me being  sick and ugly and that you were using me,she said. I would never,you are beautiful the way you are and you are not that sick,I love you you could've died if I hadn't gotten back in time what were you thinking? I couldn't live without you you should've waited or told mom,I will say something to them when we return to school,I said. Sleep now I'm right here and am not leaving,I said pulling her closer to share my body heat so she could get warm,we both needed to shower later. Thank god she was okay for the most part at least. Mom came in and checked on her and said that we were going to have to watch for signs of pneumonia but would hopefully be okay. She wanted to know why this happened but I knew April would tell her when she was ready.

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