Chapter 37

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I woke the next morning with a smile on my face as I looked over and saw Leo sleeping. I quietly slipped out of bed. I walked into the bathroom and got changed. I put on a pair of jeans and my pink short sleeve shirt that Sarah packed me. I added a small touch of makeup and finished up getting ready. I walked back into the bedroom and Leo was already awake. Good morning,baby girl,he said. Good morning,I said. Just then my stomach growled loudly. I think somebody is hungry,what time is it,he asked. I am very hungry apparently and just after 8,I replied. I say that I get dressed and I take you out to breakfast,I can cook but we do that everyday lets do something special,he said. Sounds good to me,I said. Okay be right back,he said. He came back 10 minutes later and grabbed his keys and wallet. Okay you ready to go,he asked. Yes let's do it,I said smiling at him. I grabbed his hand and we walked out to the car together. He opened my door and I slid in. He started the car and as we backed out I held his hand again just enjoying the feeling of his hand against mine. He looked over at me smiling and I began laughing too just being happy to be away from everything. We ate at this cute little diner downtown and then went back to the cabin. It was up on a hill overlooking a small beach and the ocean. I got changed into my two piece and went down the steps to the water. I went right in. I haven't swam in forever. Come on in its nice,I called. Leo found me, he was already changed and jumped in. I laughed as I tried to avoid a face full of water. We swam for a while before I came up and hugged him. I love you,I said to the side of his neck. I love you too,he said. After a while we went inside. I got changed. It was about 3 o'clock when I began feeling sick and got sick. April,Leo yelled and came running upstairs. I had just stood up and began to feel faint. I grabbed my stomach which had begun to hurt. April,he yelled again as I fell against him. He gently laid me on the floor and grabbed my phone which was sitting on the sink. He frantically dialed 911 not knowing what was wrong. To be honest I didn't either. All I could think as I had lost consciousness was oh god,oh god,oh god,not again. The ambulance was on its way and soon arrived. The carefully loaded me and drove really fast to get me there. He rode with me in the ambulance and quickly called Sarah. Sarah took off immediately. I was headed to one of the best hospitals here on the coast. It's not my hospital but it will certainly do. The doctors and nurses ran out quickly and unloaded me. They took me in. I was already connected to a mask. Sarah had made it and was in with me. Leo came in just as she went out and she put her hand on his shoulder before quickly walking away. I looked terrible. The mask obscured almost all of my face and I was very pale. I could tell that not much time had passed and I wondered what they were waiting for something was seriously wrong! My eyes wouldn't open but I forced them too. I had to see what was happening. It was very blurry. His face appeared into my view. Leo stood above my bed and looked at me with concern in his eyes. I could barely make out his face and the concern in his eyes. My eyes closed again. I'm not sure what happened next but I woke a couple days later and I was feeling a little bit better. As it turns out I ended up with a severe infection in my bloodstream that had started to spread to my organs . It was extreme. They were lucky I got there when I did. They almost realized it too late. I came to slowly and instantly recognized the feel of the mask on my face. April,Leo said though his voice sounded distant. For the first few minutes everything remained really blurry especially as his face came into view above me. April,he said again. Finally my vision cleared a bit more and his face came into better focus. She's awake,he shouted looking toward the door. Instantly Sarah and a couple of doctors I didn't know came in. April,they asked. I just moved my head a little. Thank god,they said as they let out there breath as if they'd been holding it forever. Get some rest April okay,you've got to finish recovering then we'll get you home okay,Sarah said and squeezed my hand. Leo grabbed my other hand and held it. He never let go. Not as I slept again and stayed asleep for three more days. When I woke again I was way better. Things didn't sound distant and my vision wasn't blurred. Leo,I mumbled squinting for a moment as I saw him looking out my hospital window at the night. He must not have heard me. Leo,I said a little louder. He startled and looked at me. That's all we did for a few minutes. Wait,is he crying? Why is he crying? I panicked inside with these thoughts as my heart jumped and the monitor at my side picked up. Leo what's wrong,I asked. Oh,April,he said and came to my side. I sat up and he pulled me into his chest. What happened,I asked though deep down I think I already knew. April April April,he said. I started to cry I knew it. I knew I was sick,that something was wrong and here it is all over again. It's barely been a week since I've been in remission. We stayed there in the darkness,crying together. Leo,don't worry about me okay I've already beat it twice I can do it again,I've got this,I love you okay,I'm not giving up and I sure am not leaving you,I said. I won't I know you do I love you too and I am not either,he answered as he stroked my hair. I'm going to have to fight this again even stronger and I am going to win. This disease is not taking anything else from me. I have a will to live and I am keeping it. I am going to do this! I am putting up a very very strong fight!!

Chasing After My Life. (Another cancer story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt