"Huh?" Both Adam and Michael replied with confused looks on their faces.

"My name is Nuka and there's going to be a war." Adam and Michael narrowed their eyes at me.

"What do you mean there's going to be a war? And where the hell did you get Nuka from?" Adam glared at me, his eyes turning hard. I opened my mouth to answer him but stopped as soon as I heard someone rustling in a bed. The person whimpered and I could tell that it was Ana.

"Ana's awake." I told them. Their eyes widened and I felt my body heat up a bit. I looked down to me skin to see that I was glowing slightly and fading.

"Gabriel..." Adam reached for my shirt but his hand passed through me. I connected eyes with Michael and when I blinked I was in a completely different room. I quickly recognized it as Ana's room. The dark purple walls were covered of pictures with her family and her mate. I looked around a bit more until I heard her rustling on the bed again. Is stepped forward and kneeled next to her. I placed my hand on her shoulder and gently shook her.

"It's time to wake up Ana, there's a lot to discuss." She mumbled something in her sleep and and went back to sleep. I shook her a bit harder.

"Now, Ana. We have a lot to do. You were right. There's going to be a war and we need to prepare." Her eyes squeezed before opening slowly. She blinked a few times trying to get her bearings. I could tell when her head cleared of the fog because her eyes focused on me.

"Gabriel, you're glowing." She whispered and raised her hand to gently touch my face. I let out a small laugh and nodded.

"Yeah Ana. I am." She let out a small smile and lowered her hand. She looked around the room and then back to me.

"What happened?" She asked looking at me.

"Do you remember us going to the lake after our fight?" She nodded and I continued.

"We were racing and you injured your ankle someone and fell into the water. I jumped in after you but I couldn't find you. Honestly, I think that we died. I'm sure of it actually but someone pulled us up. The Moon Goddess, she saved us Ana! For some reason she put you in a coma like state but she kept me awake and we talked. Holy shit we talked! And she's my mom. Like my actually mom. Not like she is the creator of all werewolves so she is our mother type thing but like she actually gave birth to me! I came out of the Moon Goddess vagina!: I huffed after getting all of those words out and Ana stared at me with a blank face.

"Are you okay?" She asked me. I huffed and narrowed my eyes at her.

"Here, look." I placed my fingers to her forehead and she tried to swipe them again but I pushed hard. My hand began to slow and I tried to pass on the memory of my meeting with the Moon Goddess to her. I could tell that I was doing something because her body went slack and her eyes turned into a glowing light blue color. Once she memeory finished replaying in my head I pulled my fingers away from her forehead. Her body tensed up again and her eyes went back to normal.

"Holy hell, Gabri-Nuka? I don't know what I'm supposed to be calling you." I laughed at her and shook my head.

"I don't know what I should call myself either. But you were right Ana. There's going to be a war and I'm in the middle of it, we're in the middle of it. I'm so sorry that I snapped at you and didn't believe you." She smiled at me.

"It's oka-" The door to her room suddenly slammed open and in came a panting Michael, John and Adam.

"Hey fellas. We need to talk." Ana spoke to them and they trained their eyes from me to look at her.

"She's right. We need to talk." I repeated. They looked back and me and then to her.

"You got her knocked up didn't you?" John asked.

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