InMag Contest - Mar 2017 edition

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Wattpad India plans to start a new magazine by the name "InMag" where all the young and talented writers can get their works published on our @IndiaCentral profile. There will be contest submissions from the users on different topics or themes where user can submit their article to get it published in Magazine. As this is a contest format, only the top entries will be published.

Contest Rules and Guidelines

1. Deadline for submissions is last day of March 2017.

2. Max word limit is 3000 words.

3. All the articles should be Non-Fiction (Factual)

4. Theme is Food Culture and Fusion.

5. All the entries should be emailed to in .docx formats

6. Use of 1 picture with the article is permitted but attribution is compulsory if the picture isn't clicked by you.

7. Author can be 'out of India' but dish should be Indian.

You can follow the example given below to have an Idea about submissions. But we are looking for creativity and desi-ness. Show us your love for writing and Desi food.

Example Submission (Brief one)

Dal Bati is one of the most popular Marwadi/Rajasthani cuisines, being one of the most loved and oldest foods it's quite interesting to know how it was originated.

Dal bati is basically a dish made up of two components Dal and Bati, as it's name suggests. Dal is flavoured liquid made up from any of the lentils that are popularly available such as tuvaar dal, urad dal, moong dal, chana dal, etc. Bati is a small spherical looking wheat roll made from baking the wheat dough, similar to the size of tennis balls cooked inside traditional ovens.

Dal Bati was invented at the time of mewar maharajas back in olden days. There used to lot of wars between different kings. During war, food is an extremely essential commodity. They needed something that could easily cooked and was tasty enough for them to eat and survive their days in war which used to take even years sometimes. Dal was easy to cook, they could cook it easily within few hours in desert as vegetables were scarce. Bati was something that they could cook using natural energy. In this way, the ancient soldiers used to dig holes in the desert and place the bati balls inside them and cover them up before going to war. Bati used to get cooked in desert heat as there used to be ample heat during the day. In the evening, when the soldiers used to be back from war injured and tired, they were happy to see their food ready.

Now, every home/restaurant has a different recipe (fusion), it is not usually cooked the traditional way. Bati's are made in oven, or gas tandoor with different spices. While Daal has usually different flavors (spices) and aroma.

'Share a recipe of how that dish (you wrote about) is now made in your kitchen.'

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