Twelve Ways To Spend One's Christmas Eve

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Twelve Ways To Spend One's Christmas Eve

By: defend

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

Status: Completed

Type: short story; non-fanfic

"Anna dislikes being stuck three-quarters of the way down a chimney. She really does. Not to mention, she’s still going round North America, and there’s, like, three continents still to get through in about as many hours."


Okay, so I know I said I don't like to repeat authors in this, but I've put some thought into it and have decided that it's stupid not wanting to repeat authors. I think that if I like a story, even if it's by an author I have written about many times, I should talk about it in here. So I will.

Now, on to the review. As you can tell by the rating, I love, love, loved this! Even though it's a Christmas story and Christmas is long gone, I really encourage you to read it. It has great writing, and a spectacular plot. It has literally everything; humour, friendship, love, sadness, spirit, cheer, magic, and a bit of awkwardness from the characters. This is my favourite Christmas-y short story, even though I haven't read many other ones... but still. I really love it and I hope you will check it out. :)

P.S - Please leave comments, even if it's just a simple "I like your suggestions" or "I like your book" or even "hi". I promise I don't bite and I will reply to your comment! You can also vote if you want, I like those too. Don't be a silent reader!

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