Love and Concerts

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I watched as Ryan jumped around before the concert. She was yelling and singing their songs. I was only doing this to make her happy.

“Which one should I wear? My new one.” She held up a long sleeve shirt that had drawings on them, most likely tattoos. “Or this one.” She held up the other one that was short sleeve and had all of their faces on it.

“Long sleeve one.” I answered. After the concert we would be staying at a hotel thats right where the concert is. Abbi’s mom is paying for it. I was sitting on her phone with headphones in. She thought I was listening to their songs but I was actually on youtube watching skating videos. She took off the shirt she was already wearing and put that one on. I watched her. She didn’t realize because she was so excited. I watched as she jumped around some more. She screamed a few times in the last few minutes. I was just letting her do what she wanted.

“Jared! I told you to listen to their songs!” She shouted at me. She someone got on the bed and I didn’t feel it. She was looking over my shoulder.

“Oh my god!” I shouted back. She literally scared me.

“What?” She asked in a calmer voice.

“You scared me.” I said. I double tapped the home screen and went back to their songs that she had playing.

“Can you plug it into the charger for me?” I did as she asked while I had my phone plugged into a different spot. “Thanks for coming with me.” She said to me and come over and kissed me. 

“Anything for you.” I answered.

“Gonna leave in an hour? Go get some food?” She asked.

“Sure.” I moved over to her Mac and watched videos on there instead. “Can I get a kiss?”  asked as she sat in front of the mirror fixing her hair. I turned around and looked at her. She had her lips pouted out at me. She was seriously making me go to the concert with her and she is making me get up to kiss her? The things I do for her. I wanted to feel her lips so I got off the bed and went over to kiss her. “The things I do for you.” I whispered in her ear.

“Yeah. You really like me.” She answered. And it was true. I have never felt this for another girl. Ryan was hard to get. She was beautiful and you could tell she had been hurt before. She didn’t open up to many people, I barely knew anything about her. I knew she had issues with her dad, and her mother. I knew her parents got divorced and her mother was dating someone new, she hadn’t seen her dad in a few months I guess. I think she was fine with it, she didn’t like him much anyway.

“I really do.” I watched her fix her make up while wrapping my arms around her. I buried my face into her neck. Her door swung open then.

“What time are you leaving?” Her mom came into the room then. I stood up but left a hand on Ryan.

“In about an hour.” She answered. She finished doing her make up and stood up. Her mom was still standing there. “Can I help you?” Ryan asked her.

“Is he sleeping over after?” She asked.

“We are going to his house.” She answered. “Scratch that, we are leaving now.” She grabbed the tickets off her desk along with her phone and some money. I grabbed my keys and my phone and the extra money my mom gave to me and followed her out of the house.

“Babe, wait.” I said grabbing her arm. She turned and faced me I could tell she was upset. “Whats wrong?” I questioned her.

“She’s annoying.” She rolled her eyes.

deep, dark and dangerousOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora