Uncle Lee once said that he had obtained his lucky charm. The only potent medicine for anxiety, to give an immense relieve; just like drinking soju after working all day, he said. The only one he had ever given hairpins.

"Why hairpins? I cannot believe you are that unwilling to spend."

"Value does not matter. The important thing is how you value it," Uncle Lee said with a big laugh. "If you think I am not being corteous enough, what is proper in your mind, then?"

He spared a moment to think for the answer. "To me, value does not matter either. Thus I shall give the most expensive and rarest one of all; black pearl.

"But what do you mean by lucky charm anyway, Uncle Lee?"

"The one that gives you the feeling of drinking soju after working hard," Uncle Lee answered, laughing loud at the dissatisfaction that must have been clearly written on his face.

"So why do you act like that if you have already owned your lucky charm? I lose counts of how many women you have had," he countered, lips pursed in disapproval.

"Because I have lost mine. Maybe if I try hard enough, I would once again be blessed with one."

Have you got what you want then, Uncle Lee?

King Jongin smiled sadly. There was nothing he could do; his hands were tied. His judgement and decision could not be weakened, if not; he shall expect other provinces and conquered states plotting rebellion against him.


Kyungsoo sighed. He could not go anywhere today, the head of servant had made him busy from dawn until noon. He rested his chin on his fists. Had Wu Fan hyung come to the hill? Kyungsoo wondered. He briefly touched his clothes, where he had carefully slipped the book Wu Fan gave him the day before. Wu Fan hyung grandiosely told him that the poem book he gave him was filled with happy stuff to match up his gloomy, mourning widow personality. Kyungsoo pouted as he remembered the not so flattering remark.

"This book consists of everything that ought to be joyful things," Wu Fan hyung said as he gave him the book.

"I know you have fond of those beautiful poetic words describing the sound of gently pattering rain down the earth, the ethereal living in the eternity of sunrise, and of how cute newborn puppies are."

He chuckled. Wu Fan hyung could be so silly, but he surely brought a breeze of fresh air into his life. For once, Kyungsoo actually got something to be expected each passing day. It felt nice to have someone he could consider as friend in this place.

Kyungsoo got up with a sigh. It was time for him to prepare everything needed for His Majesty's arrival. He went out and headed to the king's chamber.


Kyungsoo's eyes widened to see King Jongin in his bed chamber. It was unusual for King Jongin to come back this soon. There was something different on his behavior, he noticed. His act was not as sharp and composed as the usual; King Jongin was sitting slightly slumped, eyes were cast down.

The grim expression his king wore made Kyungsoo anxious he felt he could pass out because of the tension. He breathed shallowly from his upper chest, unable to neither move nor say a word. King Jongin raised his head, eyes looking up, staring directly at him. He laid his gaze fixedly, forcing Kyungsoo to return his intense stare. There was a mixed of emotion lingered in King Jongin's eyes that Kyungsoo could not point out.

"Come here."

Kyungsoo's breath hitched. He let out a deep, cautious breath to ease his thrumming heart. The boy slowly approached his king.

Kyungsoo released a soft gasp when he was pulled forward, before he was able to drop on his knees. Arms were wrapped tightly around his waist, enveloping him with the sudden warmth. King Jongin buried his head against Kyungsoo's stomach. "Y-Your Majesty," the boy squeaked.

"Stay. Don't move," King Jongin mumbled, sending the vibration to all over his body.

King Jongin breathed heavily, rather constrictedly.

Kyungsoo froze as he felt the strong arms tightened firmly over him. He reluctantly dropped his arms on each side of his body.

Moments passed by, and King Jongin still was not letting Kyungsoo go or loosening his hold around him. Kyungsoo's breath became steadier. The warmth of King Jongin seeped through his clothes and radiated into Kyungsoo's body. Kyungsoo felt himself slowly relaxed into the hug. There was no other sound other than their breaths, yet the silence was not entirely uncomfortable.

King Jongin pulled away, but kept a hand on Kyungsoo's hips. He took the boy's hand and carressed the back slowly, staring at the wrist area with an indecipherable look in his eyes, his thumb lazily formed small circles over the delicate skin.

"Black pearl will look good on you," he muttered.

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