Chapter 4: kylie jenner

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With the acception that Kylie has some inappropriate flaws,she has denied before several times because she wanted to be joined apon with her sister Kendall. We all of course do not have the same personalities especially if ur blood related, but Kylie got denied for dating a rapper Which is number one very much against our community guidelines. So Kylie decided to report fake break up several times to make it look like it wasn't working and that she was titled to the blush stylex life not the pitty party. Then she continued to post gross of the lines difining skin shower potrait images of her self. She layed down some appoligies, but regardless we couldn't accept it. She then  went on to try her best to get back in. We finnaly accepted her in 2015,July 24th due to late acceptance. We didn't appreciate what she had to give for a very long time, but after a wile she has shown us that whenever she does visit the channel diamond sisters she must be to the apprence.

As known we did warn Kylie Jenner about the authentic rang for our terms of channel club reasoning.

Although, Kylie is not all that in the bad apprehended side that we may have sounded, she still has some very good qualties to her self,including the style she can accomplish easily. Kylie can really fit in the group when she needs to and that's all it really does take to be with us.

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