Chapter 1: sisters my chance,friends by choice.

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Whether you were born in a taxi cab or raised on a farm,you still have a chance of being a channel sister. Now lagentimently no one can replace the 6 of us,but if you'd prefer to copy our class, here are a few things you should know.

1. Lose the accent if you have one,even if u have a ferm British accent,here we only accept ferm English. Just becuase we don't understand slang sorry!

2. Dress to impress. It's never Appropreate to dress like a pig,and if your going by the channel sisters rule book you'll understand now that we only wear fuax furs and diamonds for presentation and every single day we decided our splittable clothing. But diamonds must be worn every day.

3. Even if ur holding an ice tea (which we do not allow) please remember to always leave ur pinky out. It's never to late to still be drinking tea out of a vintage cup. (We don't allow Starbucks or plastic cups only tea cups are drinkable here.)

4. Having a diet never hurt becuase that's the only thing acceptable here. It's a rule by command that you must be on a vegan diet and must also be on a cleansing diet as well,wile the personal servers of our club serve us to eatable items.

5. If you don't catch up on social media you're a loner. We all channel sisters have our Individual social accounts to keep us updated. It's never oaky to not post atleast every weak we only recommend keeping updated every 24 hours, or you won't have our genuine respect.

6. Act approachable. If ur not someone that another would feel comfortable around don't get Comfortable around us. We have our own specific ways, and talking and acting efficiently will be the only way to really be communicated with, here.

7. Don't be a rat. Don't act like the higher voice if you aren't the head of diamond channel. If you feel the need to be disrespectful that's your one way ticket out of society

That's all about it,unless ur willing to read the full community guidelines, social rules, and terms of our group book which of are course accepted to for all sisters. Now logically we aren't sisters by blood, we just know eatchother so well that we call eatchother congeniality, superb, doll, and etc. to continue on with our lives why dont you step in our spacious world or royalty.

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