Chapter 21: The Crown Of Dreams

Start from the beginning

"I sure hope so," Hajari says as he hugs Musa.

"Look downstairs. That part doesn't look wrecked," says Michael.

"Maybe the witches didn't find that part of the castle," says Hajarianna.

"Well, in that case, I think we should all go down there," says Hajari.


"Looks like no one's been down here in ages," Hajari says as he and the Squadd walk through the hallway.

"According to my calculations, no signs of spiderwebs and dustmite disturbances," says Kajari.

Then suddenly, Hajari hears a teenage boy calling him.

"Hajari," says the voice.

"Wait, what was that?" asked Hajari.

"I didn't hear anything," says Hajarianna.

"No, signs of any other life forms detected," says Kajari.

A flash of light appears and out that flash of light comes Nicholas, the triplets' older brother.

"Hello, Squadd. I am Nicholas. Please follow me."

"But Nicholas-" says Hajari.

"Please, no questions. Here you will not find what you are looking for; however, you--triplets--- will discover more about your past, origins, and a big secret," says Nicholas. Nicholas takes the five kids to a room full of gold and riches. "This is the Hall of Treasury," says Nicholas. Nicholas hands each of his three siblings a crown. "These crowns represent your heirs to the throne and your birth symbols."

A voice comes out of nowhere and starts speaking: "Thirteen years ago, Domino was a wonderful and happy place. King Oritel and Queen Marion had triplets, the Ancestral Witches had suspected that one of the triplets had the power of the Dragon Flame. The witches attacked Domino in search of the flame. Nicholas the Nymph, which is the older brother of the triplets, had sent the triplets away. One went to Solaria, the second one went to Zenith, and the last one was sent to Earth. Separating the triplets was the only way to keep the witches from obtaining the power of the Dragon Flame. For doing so, the Ancestral Witches sent Nicholas far far away and convinced that they had lost all four of their children and their kingdom was destroyed, King Oritel and Queen Marion disappeared without a trace, never to be seen again." 

Hajari starts to break down in tears. "My mother, my father!" says Hajari.

Nicholas puts his hand on Hajari's shoulder. "You've been told the shocking truth."

Hajari stands up and speaks in a courageous voice. "I swear Nicholas, as soon as I'm down with the evil Trix, I'm off to find mom and dad!"

"Now that's how a prince should talk! I'm proud of you, Hajari. My work here is done," says Nicholas.

Outside the castle, Hajari and the Squadd are ready to head back to Alfea. Hajari is eager to defeat the Trix.

"We must go back to Magix right away! I'll upset the witch's plans and get back the Dragon Flame!"

"Wow, it's been a long time since I have seen you this funky," says Hajarianna.

"Yeah I was wondering what had happened to the old Hajari," says Musa.

"So did I," Hajari replies.

The snow monster is back with an army of smaller snow monsters.

"Our furry friend is back," says Hajarianna.

"Yeah and this time he brought company," says Hajari.

"Why? Doesn't he think he's big enough?" asked Musa.

"You all ready guys? Squadd, attack!" Hajarianna says as everyone jumps into the sky, except Hajari.

"Michael, Magic Squadd!"

"Kajari, Magic Squadd!"

"Musa, Magic Squadd!"

Michael, Kajari, and Musa Fairy Transformation:
We'll defeat the evil deeds of Trix
We're the new ones, we're the Squadd

"Come on, let's get rid of them!" says Musa as she knocks some monsters away with sonic blasts.

Michael wraps some of the monsters up in vines. Kajari places small chip bombs on each of the monsters and they explode, but they all come back to life.

"Everyone in the castle!" says Hajarianna.

Everyone runs into the castle and Hajari and Michael close the door real quick before a monster comes in.

"There are so many of them," says Michael.

"Michael, don't think about that," says Hajarianna.

Kajari uses a static spear to delete them. 

Michael uses flowers to eat the monsters. "Don't touch my friends, you ugly beasts!"

The gigantic snow monster takes off the palace roof and the Squadd start screaming in fear. Bloom, Brandon, and Tecna parachute out their aircraft and start chopping up monsters with swords, but no one can get rid of the head monster.

"What are we going to do? We can't get rid of the monster," says Michael as everyone is flying in the air, except for Hajari.

"Wait, Kajari! Use a full attack. Converge the powers!!!" says Hajari.

"Why, of course! Static Sphere!!!" says Kajari. 

Kajari puts a large static sphere around the monster. Then, Michael puts poisonous flowers around the static sphere to weaken the monster. Lastly, Musa puts speakers around the static sphere to burst the monster's eardrums. The monster explodes into little ice cubes. Everyone cheers.

On the Specialists' ship, the Specialists are flying the Squadd back to Alfea. Bloom approaches Hajari. Though she is scared of Hajari's response because of what happened at the Red Fountain.

"Um...Hajari, can we talk?" asked Bloom. 

Hajari was not giving Bloom any attention and then looks up at Bloom as if he did not hear what she said. "Oh you were saying something?" he says.

"No. I mean yes...yes I did. I'm really sorry about the whole Bloom, Princess Bloom thing. I never meant to deceive you."

"I'm sorry too. Well, it's like I'm sorry, but I'm not."

"Hajari, I get the point," says Bloom.

"I forgive you on one condition."

"Oh yeah, what's that?"

"I get to call you Bloom. I don't like the whole princess thing."

Everyone on the ship starts laughing.

Squadd Bunch: Hajari's DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now