There was a knock at the door and Alberta Petrov walked in. I stiffened thinking Dimitri would get into trouble being found holding a student this way but Alberta just looked indulgent at us, like she knew our feelings for each other.

"Dimitri, the others have been moved back to the lodge. I was asked to see if Rose could be moved but I see she could benefit from some more time. Do you think you will be able to calm her by morning?" giving him a knowing smile. This question was as good as telling us that we had her blessing. Oh lord, as if I wasn't emotionally charged enough, now I was given the chance to spend quality time with my Comrade, my sexy Russian god.

"I believe Rose will be fit by morning. I don't think there is any danger of further attacks tonight either so I believe she will be safe here" Dimitri replied.

"Just what I thought" Alberta stated. "Room service bills will be covered by the Academy so if you feel hungry, order something. I will be in a room further down the hall. Good night"

"Good night Alberta" we both said.

We looked at each other. I think we were both a little stunned at the turn of events.

"Roza, we don't have to...... Don't think you have to be with me." He babbled.

"Comrade, shut up and kiss me." So he did.

It was a long, slow kiss, allowing me to set the pace. I wish I could say I was the coy type when it came to this kiss but I would by lying. Months of repressed feelings and self-denial came to the surface and the kiss became hot and passionate. All of a sudden, neither of us could get enough of each other. Although I had never been this hot and heavy with anyone before, with Dimitri, it felt as natural as breathing, no awkwardness, even a little playful when our teeth clashed or noses bumped. Hands exploring; sometimes soft, sometimes desperate and searching. I should be nervous, I should be worried about this being my first time but I wasn't. Nothing had ever felt more right than this just now.

I quickly removed Dimitri's shirt, however, we both laughed as it got caught on his nose. I nipped at his lips with my teeth playfully as we tried to extricate him from the stubborn article. I ran my hands up and down his chest, chasing them with butterfly kisses, making him moan with pleasure. I continued my exploration of his shoulders and his neck. He watched me in wonder as I ran my tongue up between his pecs to his throat, feeling him shiver beneath my touch.

He began to move his hands under the hem of my T-shirt and up my back. His touch on my bare skin was electric, sending sparks all through me that I brought my mouth to his again and attacked his lips. I'm sure I growled, but I wasn't the only one. Dimitri pulled away and all but ripped my T-shirt from me, crashing our lips back together once it was clear of my head.

Lips moulded together, tongues fighting for dominance, tasting and probing. My senses were on fire, every touch, every moan, sent me further and further into hedonistic pleasure. I didn't even flinch when he unclipped my bra and took one of my pert nipples into his mouth. I arched my back with a sigh, pushing my ample breasts towards him. He definitely appreciated them. Rolling his tongue around one nipple, grazing it with his teeth before moving to its twin. The sensation was having an obvious effect on me. My panties were no longer dry and if this continued neither would the cargo pants I was wearing. I rubbed my wet mound against his leg in the hopes that he knew my predicament. He gave a throaty moan in response causing me to rub his leg again. He lifted me up and laid me down on the bed. Reaching for my waistband he undid the fastenings on my cargo pants, removing them and my panties quickly, his following soon after.

He looked at me as if I was something exotic, a vision that he was lucky to see. I on the other hand stared wide eyed at the god that stood before me. His perfectly toned body, arms, chest, stomach, legs, his handsome face and oh my god, his manhood was huge. Not surprising really seeing as he is a large man in other areas, being 6 foot 7, but seeing it standing to attention was a sight to behold. There was no doubt in my mind that he desired me as much as I him.

I opened my arms to him beckoning him back onto the bed. He wasted no time taking me in his arms but his movements were less demanding and gentler.

"Is this what you really want Roza? I want you to be sure. I love you and don't want to make you do anything to spoil that. I can wait for you."

"I love you Comrade and I've never been so sure of anything in my life. I want this, I want you Dimitri. Always."

He kissed me deeply, his hand cupping my breast, fingers playing with the nipple while his other hand stroked my hair.

Our movements were becoming frenzied again as we continued to explore and excite each other. All of a sudden, Dimitri ran his thumb over my sensitive nub between my legs. I let out a gasp of pleasure. He took that as a sign to continue rubbing using different pressures and speeds. He had me moaning and bucking my hips. He slipped a finger between my wet folds and into my pussy, touching me in the most intimate area. "Dimitri..." I gasped as he inserted another finger, curling them, hitting that sweet spot inside me. "Oh god, Dimitri, please I want you, I need you."

With his knee he pushed my legs apart and settled himself between my thighs. I looked into his face as he centred his throbbing manhood at my wet entrance, seeing the mix of emotions there, lust, want, need, worshipfulness but mostly love. He leaned down to kiss me as he entered me slowly. I had been told horror stories of the pain experienced the first time but I didn't feel any, just a sense of fullness and pleasure, oh my god, yes the pleasure. Tingling feeling flaming through me. A hot burning need, like an itch that needs to be scratched. I wanted more.

I wrapped my legs around his waist which made him groan and push further into me. He continued to slide inside, would it ever end? Not that I was complaining, it felt wonderful. He thrust forward and then stopped. I realised he was fully seated inside me. He looked at me as if looking for any signs of discomfort as he cupped my face gently with his firm hands but all he saw was love and pleasure. I smiled and circled my hips. He growled and his eyes nearly disappeared into the back of his head. He began to move, thrusting in and out of me, gentle and slow at first but increasing in speed and hardness as we both spiralled towards wanton bliss. Our breathing became erratic and I was so close to ecstasy.

"Dimitri, harder. I need..... I want." He slipped his hand between us and circled my clit with his fingers; I nearly lost it there and then. Arching my back and letting out a strangled cry I moved my hips to meet his.

"Let go Roza. Cum for me" he panted in desperation. That's all it took. I fell over the edge gasping his name as I tumbled through flashing lights behind my eyes and delicious muscle spasms that wracked my body. My pussy walls clamped round Dimitri's cock which sent him on his own blissful release. "Roza!" shuddering as he gasped my name.

He moved off to the side of me and rested his head between my breasts; basking in the afterglow of our love making. "I love you Roza. I don't think I could live without being with you each day but I know we have to be careful. What do you want to do Milaya?"

"I want you Comrade. I love you and I too can't live without being with you. Do you think we could manage to keep it quiet?"

"I don't know but I'd like to try."

What a Difference a Year Makes (Revised)Where stories live. Discover now