Imagine for Keaton

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How he makes your day better:

You wake up sick. Sniffling, coughing, and feeling awful. But you realize Keaton's not laying in bed next to you. "He probably already left for work." You think to yourself. So you get up and begin walking downstairs to get some breakfast and cold medicine.

You smell something cooking in the kitchen, and you see Keaton making breakfast, with his apron on you got him. "Keaton?" you ask. "Y/n!" He runs over to you, lifts you up bridal style, beginning to carry you back upstairs. "Get back in bed honey, you're sick! I'll bring up breakfast in a minute" he says kissing your forehead.

"Keaton, you're gonna be late for work! I'll be fine. Go get ready.." you demand. "Y/n," he starts, sitting on the bed, "I called Wes and Drew to tell them I wouldn't be coming to record today because my wife is sick and I need to stay and make sure she's okay." "Awe, Keats, thank you." You blush. "No problem babe. I'll go get breakfast." he says walking downstairs.

So after you two have breakfast in bed, you watch movies and cuddle all day. And by the end of the day, you were feeling 10 times better than when you woke up.

"I love you Keaton, this made my day." you say smiling up at him. "I love you more Y/n." he smiles back.

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