9 o'clock: Halo

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Time passes by and it's now entering the end-of-year exam period. Akashima Yana likes to procrastinate on studying, I find out. It's amusing to see her reaping what she sowed, by not studying properly. Even Aikawa Aya is exasperated with her best friend. She is lucky that, in her second year, teachers are not watching her, isn't she?

To placate Yana, so she doesn't become crazy from studying too much, I agree when she suggests going to Azuma Game Centre to play. Along with anyone she invites, who agrees to go. First time visiting Azuma Game Centre while surrounded by people who can stop me from committing...irreversible crime to Shion Karasuma, I am gratified.

At one moment, I can't seem to find Yana inside Azuma Game Centre. I have a suspicion Shion Karasuma takes her away, maybe to visit the man's wife and daughter? Yana is on good terms with the family.

I do agree to not expose a toddler to those noisy people too much. It won't be good for that toddler to be overwhelmed. So, while quietly playing or watching other people play, I wait for Yana to show herself. I don't have to wait too long. Yana seems fine when she comes back to us.

However... "Yana? Why do you look like you were in a scuffle?"

Yana looks startled. Patting herself from top to bottom, Yana questions, "What made you say that, Deau?"

It's how her hair is slightly messy, her attire is slightly dirty, and her glasses is slightly askew. Yana tidies the problems I point out while giving me a sheepish smile. Shuffling closer to me, Yana whispers, "Sato, that disgusting creature, broke in earlier. I fought him off with Kai--Shion-san's help,"

I inhale deeply. I exhale lightly. I examine Yana closely, "Where is he now?"

"Sato? Mutsuki took him," Yana gives me a slight smile, "Don't worry, he will be taken care of,"

"Are you all right?" I make a note to give a word to Mutsuki Laguna for his repeated failures. It has crossed the unforgivable line. Whether he listens to me or not, since he doesn't seem to be a citizen from Meerschaum Kingdom, I will still give him a piece of my mind.

I might take a piece of the pervert to throw away later. Too.

"Annoyed, mostly," Yana gives a sigh and a shake of the head. Then, as if she recalls something, Yana makes a disgusted expression, "I think I will borrow Chika-san's face wash soap and wash my face now. A bath will come later,"

I agree amicably, "You go do that,"

Yana leaves again while muttering, "I hope Kira-chan is not throwing a temper tantrum since her nap might be disturbed..."

Living and passing the days peacefully is actually one of my many mottos. However, it seems that, for Yana's and my own sake, I have to do what I should do in exchange for a peaceful life. By taking care of the problems around Yana.

Without involving the person, I investigate Yana's life in Gakuen Magi, with the assistance of Aikawa Aya, as the starting point. From Yana's own best friend, I hear a lot of things. Things that Aikawa claims Yana has no idea about, being the oblivious and somewhat careless girl she is, that Yana.

"It's hardly believable," Aikawa sympathises with my disbelief, after hearing more about Yana's standing among her peers, "But, that is the truth,"

"Before coming to Gakuen Magi, did things like what you said happened too?" I question after filling the information aside for further inspection

Aikawa mulls about it briefly, "Yana wasn't the type to leave her house and meet people. She only left when I went to get her, to my place. Or to play outside," folding her arms, Aikawa also frowns as she notes, "I am not sure what she was busy about, in her room, when left unchecked, to be honest,"

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