Josh's Eyes

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There was something different in his eyes today. They were lighter. Full of more love. There's even a bit of green happening in the centre. It made me happy. I always had a thing for Josh's eyes. They're how I fell in love with him. I look into his cute eyes and I feel at home. I feel safe. I feel loved.

I haven't felt that way in years. And now I do and I wouldn't trade it for the world. He is my world. Even though we started off as basically fuck buddies, we've come so far. Accomplished so much. Loved each other to the farthest extent.

I look into Josh's eyes and I know he's my forever. I know he's my home. And I know that whenever I'm with him, I'll be okay. That I'll always have someone to talk to. Someone to love me and take care of me. Someone who I can trust. Someone who will love me for me. And that's all I could ever ask for. Which is exactly why I'm saying these two words.

"I do."

Risky Business{Joshler} (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now