A Sort Of "Ask Me Anything" Chapter

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If you don't know by now, my stance on this issue is pro-life. With that in mind, I've decided to start writing a section of this project dedicated to dealing with the "but what about" questions of the pro-choice stance.


Because I feel it's necessary, especially for the pro-lifers. Pro-lifers NEED to know this: a debate is just like a fighting match - whoever knows the most counters will win. It doesn't matter how far fetched the counter is, if you don't have an answer for it, you lose. You will just keep getting punched in the face with the same silly punch. Just playing defense won't win you a fight either. Even if your opponent does no damage to you, he will win because he controlled the ring.

And the pro-choice stance has a LOT of counters. And here's the thing: almost all of them are rational and some are factual. It's of my belief, however, that the pro-life stance has the most powerful fact AND it is proven by science.

A member of the human race - an individual - is created at conception. Given proper nutrition and environment, a zygote (fertilized egg) will self direct its growth to eventually form an adult human.

Although a religion may agree with the pro-life stance, it isn't necessary to make this argument.

I can practically hear the "but what about?"'s as I write this.

So, if you're pro-choice, give me some of your "but what about"'s in the comments and I'll dedicate whole sections to answering them from a pro-life perspective whenever I get the opportunity.

If you're pro-life do the same: ask questions, give feedback. And most of all watch how to counter some of these arguments. I believe the pro-choice stance is only "winning", or holding firm, because it is better at countering AND there is a lack of knowledge on the side of pro-life. It's not like they teach it at schools (I think... pretty sure though. Please correct me if I'm wrong).

No I don't think I'm the pro-life authority, but I am decent at research.

So, what do you say? Sound interesting? Curious? Do you have the pro-choice silver bullet that will put me in my place?

Only one way to find out... ; P


PS. If you attack me with a baseless claim I'll prolly ignore you and instead will build a case on how some pro-choicers call names instead of refute the actual claim. I don't think it would be wise to give me ammo. I want to debate ideas, not name call. I only add this because I've seen it happen, but am definitely aware that all in the opposite stance do not take this approach. I mean no offense.

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