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Four weeks later

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Four weeks later


"I need one more push." Groaning and moaning came from the mother as I directed her to push again.

"You're doing great, he is crowning. Just another big push." Grabbing the baby between the head and shoulders I twisted him out slowly.

"Good job. All done with the baby. I just need the placenta, one more push." I instructed.

I watched as she struggled to push it out, "We'll have to take it out manually."

This was the worst part for me, only because I had to be wrist deep in a ladies vagina.

"Take a couple of deep breaths on my count of three." She nodded.

"1.2.3" She took deep breaths, while I gently eased my hand in to feel for the placenta. Once I had hold of it, I gently pulled it out not to hurt the patient. The baby had ripped her from her vagina a little ways down. I had to stitch her up, and then go check on the baby.

Once I finished stitching her, I gave her instructions on relaxing for a few hours because her blood pressure was high, and then left.

That was my last delivery of the day, so I went to the locker room, cleaned up and changed my clothes.

While walking out of the hospital, Gina my intern approached me. "Hey, u-uhm do you w-wanna go out to dinner with me? Tonight."

How nervous she was made me chuckle. "Sure."

"Cool. Yea, I know this great pizza joint in SoHo." We hailed a cab to SoHo, and found the pizza joint.

She didn't talk much in cab, she mainly looked out the window. When we got into the pizza joint, I could tell I would be buying a few slices, delivering babies works up and awful appetite.

She ordered us a few slices, and started conversation.

"When is your birthday?"

"August 22nd Yours?"

"March 3rd."

She is a nice girl but I don't like her. Gina in all honesty was boring, and wasn't feisty like Mila. She lacked personality to me, and this ice breaker I wanted that challenge, sure Mila was the most difficult challenge but still.

"I should've known this wasn't going to work. Look I'm sorry." Gina said suddenly.

"You ok?"

"No it's obvious that your stuck up on that Mila girl, and I'm not over my ex-boyfriend. I'm sorry Keith, I can't." She got up and took her stuff, leaving money on the table.

The Physicians Formula (Keith Powers)Where stories live. Discover now