"Okay," I softly answered.

"Okay, good," she went on, her eyes looking back down to her papers. "So, after you get in, which I'll help you do, you'll have to carefully make your way to basement, since I'm not sure if they'll be any security measures taken inside or not, too. After that, you'll make your way downstairs, where absolutely no one should be, since you already deterred everyone that was supposed to be there to someplace else, and you'll have to search everywhere to find the information. If there's a safe or something, which I would think is where it would be, I'll help you get into that, too. Other than that, you should be okay."

"I'll get you a little hand gun, too, just in case," Katie added, placing one hand palm down on the table as she talked, and then standing herself up to make her way around to somewhere in the room behind me.

"Don't worry, though, Mae, you won't need it," Mel reassured.

"But," I started to object. "Won't someone who was supposed to meet... those guys be there?"

Mel shook her head.

"Not as far as I know," she replied. "They were supposed to come get it for themselves if they wanted it; everyone else is already on their way to wherever section twenty-two actually is."

Whoever everyone else was, I didn't really know, but I also didn't really want to know, either.

I looked from Mel down to the hand-written papers in front of her and studied them until she spoke once again.

"So, you ready?"

I shot my head back up to her and took a deep breath.

"Sure," I answered.

Mel smiled.

"Good," she commented, leaning back in her chair. "Now... go get your boyfriend back."


I hopped away from the seat of my motorcycle, and then threw my side into... well, the side of the brick building on my left. I reached my right hand up to my right ear and prepared to open my mouth.

"I'm..." I started, but then paused. "This is... Agent Amnesia... and I believe I have reached... um... my destination."

I could hear Mel giggle a tad.

"Okay, Agent Amnesia, do you see any cameras anywhere?" she went on to ask.

I turned towards the wall on my side, stepped forwards until I reached the corner ahead, and then peeked out from behind it. I took in the view of the building in front of me, which was some kind of an old-fashioned dress store with mannequins dressed in Victorian style skirts and corsets in the wide display window that the sun currently reflected off of in front of me. Beyond that, another building sat with a burgundy colored awning coming off of its front, the word 'pawn' printed in yellow over and over again on the bottom boarder of it. I then glanced down to the display windows underneath that, but I couldn't really see anything in it from my current angle.

"Um... maybe?" I responded, now leaning back behind the building corner once more.

"Come on, Mae," Mel began. "Either you do or you don't."

"Well..." I started to protest as I poked my head forwards, again. I looked over to the little shop yet again, studied the entire front side of it, including the underside of the awning, but didn't see any kind of camera in sight. "Could they possibly be hidden, or... something?"

I heard Mel sigh.

"Just be careful and go up to door. If you see a camera, stop and let me know," she ordered.

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