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   It was all centered in a small village in the country side where people never dared to dream because they had seen many who had gone mad because of the brokenness that comes with failure.
          People lived centered on what they were born into. Born a peasant's son, grow up a peasant, marry a peasant's daughter, live long to see your children take over your land and device it.
     People then also went by social class although they called it by a different name. Born a hunter, live and die one, born to the rich,children dumb or daft or bright lived to be rich, exploit other people and continue having generations of rich descendants who used the same generations of servant's descendants and ate the same peasant's descendants food from hard days tilling the land.
         Generations passed and western civilisation took over. Structures changed,town centres grew and then even servant's children could go to school and be clerks in railway stations, get scholarships and study abroad and glorify their families. Time did fly, and children no longer knew the struggle their ancestors went through for them to be where they were.
        It's now the 21st century and the village ancestors that managed to keep roaming around can't recognise the place anymore. Massive buildings, nice roads, cars, once where they spent days grazing cattle. And thus begins the story of our heroine a ten year old girl living with a drunkard father and a struggling mother.

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