The Awakening

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As he watched her lie there, he couldn't help but feel a certain bond with Lily but he couldn't shake the feeling that she had lied about who she was.

Elijah heard footsteps coming towards the room and quickly came to his feet, slowly backing away from Lily.

For a moment everything had gone dark and Elijah had a glimpse of the past. He knew exactly who she was so in shock he walked out the room, only to be stop by Klaus. "Looks like we're eating tonight, brother?" Said Klaus with his Cheshire Cat grin. Elijah looked towards him "She is not food, Niklaus you are not to hurt her!" Elijah was furious, Klaus looked confused what, did Elijah care for the young woman? "So help me, if you lay a finger on her you will not be grinning anymore, Brother!" Klaus was surprised he had hit a soft spot, this was unusual he's brother never lets anyone that close. "Seems I've hit nerve, what do you see in her dear Elijah?" Huffed Klaus he was no longer in the mood to be on his 'good' behaviour. Then he walked away very proud of himself, Elijah was so angry he had to clench his fist while talking to him to stop himself from doing anything he would soon regret.

She had broken Elijah but yet had seen the way he acts around their new visitor. She was jealous, it was almost as if the relationship between her and Elijah had never existed. But at the same time she was happy for Elijah he had finally found himself head over heals in love with 'Lily'. The Hollow had to be defeated and in doing do the Hollow had to be split between four of the Mikaelson siblings. But this meant the four Mikaelsons were never allowed to see each other again, this brought the end of 'Always And Forever'. But this Lily girl had saved them some who Freya was able to use the power from Lily's bloodline to destroy the Hollow for good. But Freya erased Lily's memory of that moment, how did she come back? Why did she come back?

Hayley blacked out and saw a glimpse of her childhood but it wasn't the one that she remembered, she was happy? At that moment she recalled a young girl she grew up with, adored by all, and she remembered her as Scarlet. The girl looked just like Lily, where they the same person?

Things are starting to unravel now.
How will Scarlet cope when she awakes?

Klaus was staggered as he heard the voice of his older brother praying for the life of the young woman they collected after retrieving two rogue vampires in order to make peace with Marcel. He was shocked by that how much he cared for the woman, it wasn't like he knew her very well, she had just moved into town. But yet Klaus was still trying to understand Hayley's latest decision to choose him over Elijah, it was unheard of.

But in Klaus' eyes Hayley had finally come to her senses, 8 years after the birth of their shared daughter Hope. In Klaus' mind it was perfect everything started to fit into place especially after tonight's events. But as always it wasn't good enough it was time to check up on dear Elijah.

As Klaus walked from the library to the room of which the woman lay, he spotted Elijah walking away from the room and so he quickly followed after him. As he stood in front of Elijah he thought of a witty line to test "Looks like we're eating tonight, Brother!" Elijah's face lit up with fury as he said "She is not food, Niklaus you are not to hurt her!" Klaus wiped his Cheshire cat grin off his face and stared at Elijah wildly. Why was he to care of such human person? Elijah continued furiously "So help me, if you lay a finger on her, you will not be grinning any more Brother!" Elijah clenched his fist and carried his arm heavily, restraining himself so very carefully. So to put the cherry on the cake Klaus answered "Seems I've hit a nerve, what do you see in her dear Elijah?" With that he walked away from Elijah knowing full well he had pissed off his older brother. He did not care why should he, he had already won the heart of hybrid Hayley.

As Scarlet climbed her way back to consciousness , she started to recall the history of her family and how they came to their death.

1995, April 2nd.
The day of the most important event of supernatural history, the death of the Rose family. Originally the day was meant to unite the Witches, Wolfs, Vampires and humans for the foreseeable future. Also the day Scarlet lost her family and along side her childhood friend ,Andrea, they had been orphaned.

It was just under 22 years ago and yet both Andrea and Scarlet had forgotten the reason behind their unhappy childhood.

It had all started that night, the main drawing room of the city centre charity house. Over 100 supernatural beings had arrived to decide upon an agreement in order to make a treaty, to settle boundaries. Young Scarlet and Andrea had helped make cakes for the guests with Mrs Emily-Marie Rose, Scarlet 's mother also the most looked up to woman in the whole of paranormal history. But she was a target and so was her family.

The leader of the crescent wolf pack had heard of the attempt of peace between wolfs and vampires, this had angered him. So he decided to join the party in the attempt to make examples out of Andrea's parents for going against his will.

That's how it started now this is how it ends...

The fire burned through the ancient building and was slowly making it's way to the only untouched room of the house. It seem the girls were safe for now but the fire was still burning. As the fire crepe towards them two vampires rushed into the room, one by the name Marcel and the other was the noble Elijah... Marcel grabbed Andrea and Elijah grabbed Scarlet and vastly made their way out of the building. As their hearts raced, Marcel told Elijah that Andrea would be safer outside of town. Elijah agreed and Marcel ran away with Andrea clinging on for dear life.

With that Elijah reminded Scarlet of the vow he made to her parents, "Scarlet I will always protect you, always and forever!"

Blackout...Scarlet brought herself back to reality, she had seen too much and her tears had formed a little river running down the left side of her face. The pain was too much.

Remembering a past that is all but lost was hard enough but how did she forget?

As he slowly made his way back to Lily, he couldn't help but remember a young girl by the name of Scarlet.
Then as Lily woke up in fear Elijah rushed to see that the young woman was safe and accompanied by Hayley for some odd reason. Elijah noticed the tiny river running down the left side of her face and Hayley sat there on the bed comforting Lily. Hayley nodded implying that Lily was fine and departed the room.

Elijah stood in the door frame ,taking in the beauty of the now crying Lily. "Your name is Scarlet isn't it?" Elijah said with nobility. "Yes, how do you know that?" Answered Lily. "I know why you said your name was Lily, it's because you're a Rose." Elijah replied, Scarlet nodded and Elijah sat beside her. With that he took his arm and rapped it around her waist.

Rebekah's dear brother Elijah was confusing her, he had fallen in love with the woman they just saved. It was new, Elijah never fell in love so quickly, it was as if he had known her for a lifetime but had forgotten. Rebekah slowly made her way to the guest room where Elijah had just exited. With that Rebekah rushed into the room, she did not know of the young woman's name but had a slight guess. " Is your name Scarlet?" Scarlet was staggered, how did she know her name. "Yes.." Scarlet replied. "I know who you are and I know why he cares for you." Scarlet looked confused, How could that be. "He never breaks his word..." Rebekah continued " You're coming with me tomorrow, shopping, you need a new wardrobe!" Scarlet nodded and Rebekah removed herself from the room.

She recalled the birth of the youngest member of the Rose family. Elijah was there of course, he vowed to Scarlet's parents that he would always love and protect her. It was the only way to secure her safety. Although Klaus and Rebekah did not agree, Elijah had found his purpose, he was to love and care for her and that is what he did until the day she moved to England.

But that's another story which will be told in all due course...

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