Chapter 13 •

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Please read slowly and follow the punctuations. You won't understand the story if ya don't.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~What are you doing here, Matsuta-san?' Ayano said as she tried her best to make her voice sound normal. Budo looked at her, but Ayano remained looking infront of the three devils. Budo slowly stood up and balanced himself.
Budo gave a confused gaze at Ayano, he then responded, 'No! What are you doing here, Ayano Aishi?' He spoke with courage.
Ayano was too irritated, that she just didn't answer. Then sighed, 'Why did you follow me?' Trying her best to chill.
Budo looked at her, his eyebrows furrowed, 'What's your intentions, Ayano?'
Not wanting to answer Ayano's question.
Ayano was extremely irritated; but she stayed calm. As Budo was looking at Ayano's back, he began slowly stepping forward. Ayano then darkly spoke,'Are you too desperate to know,Matsuta-san?' An evil grin forming on her face. The three devils watch them, entertained. Budo stopped for a moment. He was getting more confused at Ayano's actions. Budo then wondered if Taro was okay. After the sudden death of Osana and the sudden changes of his little sister. 'He must've been sad after that' he thought.
'Answer me Matsuta!' Budo was brought back from his thoughts when he heard Ayano's angry voice asking him. Budo knew that Ayano couldn't see him nod, but Ayano knew that Budo is the legendary detective who wouldn't leave Ayano alone.
'Well then Matsuta~' Ayano slowly turned around but her body, is suddenly floating. 'It's because-'
Ayano was facing him now. When Budo saw her face, he wasn't able to recognize the girl who was once his bestfriend.
Her eyes was dark and her face was pale, she was looking at Budo with a scowl on her face.
'I've came here to...'
Ayano then slowly went to Budo. Budo stepped back, she went closer,
And closer,and closer. Until he was in a strange beaming light formed into a circle. He was then suddenly transported back to the occult club.
Budo woke up with a painful headache, he opened his eyes to see himself in the occult club. 'Master Budo! Are you okay?' His club members shouted and ran up to help him. 'Master Budo! Why are you laying down on this creepy room? You know this is not a great place to sleep!' Teased one of his members. Budo blinked a few times before looking at his club members and asked, 'How long was I laying down here?' His club members rosed their eyebrows and looked at Budo with a confused look.
'We don't know. You were only here for four minutes...'Budo looked up, 'But I felt that I've been there for an hour' he thought. 'Then how'd you know I was here?'
The club members looked at each other then chuckled, 'Budo, we were so curious to what you are up too!' Mina then said,'We didn't ask you 'cause that's rude. But we can't hold our curiousity! We followed you, then we saw you suddenly running inside the occult club. And boom! You're sleeping!'
Budo looked at them, confused. He then sat up, his members backed a few centimeters away from him to give a few space so he could stand. He slowly stood up and planted his hand on his head. 'I'm a bit dizzy. But don't worry! I'm fine!' The club members then helped their leader to balance himself.
Sho looked at Budo then asked, 'Hey Budo, what were you even doing in there?' Budo was confused but didn't look back at Sho; he then replied, 'I was actually following one of our 2nd years. She passed by our club then she ran to the occult club.'
Everybody then looked at Budo.
Their faces were looking sternly at him. Then they began whispering to each other. Budo then looked at them a great big questioning look was on his face. 'But Budo...' They looked at him, 'there was not one student who passed by.' They said in sync. 'We followed you, yes, but nobody ever went inside that club, except for you. And nobody ever went out of that room.'
Sho's face then became pale.
'I think... Y-you were seing ghosts!'

To be or not to be continued.

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