Chapter 10

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'Oooh~. There you are my sweet, sexy senpai <3' drooled Ayano as she snap some pictures of her dear senpai, hiding on top of the sakura trees, so she won't be noticed. Budo, who have just entered the school gates, yawned and stretched abit. Because, he didn't get enough sleep that night. Not only was he worried about school, it was also because of a weird voice he had heard that night. Budo then sighed and just turned to look at the sakura trees. While he was looking, he saw Ayano on top of one.He was suddenly overjoyed and ran to her. He ran close to where she was.  Ayano did not notice Budo coming, she was distracted at taking pics of her senpai and drooling over him. Budo stopped  at the back of the tree. 'Good morning, Aya-chan!!!' He loudly but cheerfully greeted, which startled Ayano and was snapped out of daydreaming. But when she was back to reality
She Fell from the tree. She was ready for the trigger, but nothing came. She only felt a warm hard chest carrying her. There was also something warm and soft that was blocking her lips...
Ayano opened her eyes to notice that she was laying down at Budo. Her face was a few inches, no centimeters away from his lips. Ayano had a small peck from Budo. She rose up and had a bit of blush in his cheek. When she turned around to look if anyone had noticed, she was to late to predict. Everyone started giggling and snapping photos of them. Budo who was just snapping out of his thoughts, unto why Ayano was so heavy, rose up and looked confusely on to why there were plenty of people. He then turned to Ayano. They then heard someone say, 'Ayando! I made a good ship name for the two!'. Ayano stood up, blushing and almost in the verge of crying. She ran as fast as she could. Budo who happened to not notice Ayano's sudden disappearance, scratched his head and just shrugged. He ran up to some of his martial artist friends and they started talking, while heading to school. They kept on snickering everytime Budo talked. This made Budo question them, 'Why do you keep on laughing at me?' Is it something I said? He thought. They stopped snickering and smiled. 'Ooh~ just something... YOU NEVER SAID YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND! WHY DID YOU MAKE OUT IN SUCH AN OBVIOUS PLACE?' This startled Budo, along with some nearby students. Budo calculated about what he said, then he blushed. He shooked his head then replied, 'N-no that one was a misunderstanding. I-I don't have a girlfriend, but I do have a girl friend. And we weren't making out, she fell down the tree and I catched her. And after that I don't remember. And then I rose up. Look there's nothing special between us.' But I wish there was, Budo surprisingly thought as he finished. Budo began thinking to why he suddenly thought of that, but was disturbed by a loud greeting from Mina 'Good morning, Master Budo!' She had her usual cheery attitude and with a tint blush in her cheek. She was excited for Friday to come. Budo greeted back and they went to their martial arts club.
'W-what was that jerk doing?' Ayano asked to herself. She was alone sitting near the railings of the roof as she was looking at her senpai with his clingy sister, that's what she thinks of her. She then began to think, Why do rivals increase Oh so suddenly. All I remember is that, Kokona and Oka are my rivals. I guess they just keep on coming.

To be continued.

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