episode ii | @glitter_xox

96 21 24


A: alex
D: dylan
F: farrah


Hello everyone! Welcome back yet again to another episode of weekly dose with Alex and Dylan.

How are you all? We hope you all are fine, good and hopefully snuggling under your warm fluffy blankets while watching — in your case reading this interview.

D: Today we are going to interview none other than one of our most favourite badboy book writer, Farrah.

A: Hello Farrah!

D: Farah it's so amazing to have you here. Wanna say something?

F: Hey! I just want to say thank you for interviewing me.

A: How are you feeling Farrah?

F: I'm feeling very tired at the moment, and hungry.

D: how are you feeling sitting in front of millions of people out there?

F: There's millions of people watching me? God I was not prepared for that. How do I look?!

D: Perfect, trust me.

A: Are you ready for this?

F: I don't think so. Millions of people are watching me, *eat marshmallows in a minion onesie* Can we cut?

D: Nope, we want it exclusively on here.

A: Okay, let's buckle up for the question.

D: Does writing energises you or exhaust you?

F: Sometimes both. I get ideas most at midnight, when I should be sleeping. I'm like the new Cinderella, without a hold on her life.

D: Let me tell you dude, we all are.

A: Agreed!

D: Have you ever got reader's block?

F: I never knew that existed actually. Can you get reader's block?

D: Holy shiz, am I the only one who actually knew it? I get it a lot to be honest.

A: Woman all you do is, watch TV shows and read and read. I doubt you ever even get it.

D: I do alex, frequently. But keep in mind, you inherit reader's block in your veins.

A: *shrugs* Maybe, so Farrah do you try to be more original or give readers what they want?

F: A bit of both actually. Without my readers I wouldn't be where I am. And I like it when they leave comments- especially when I say I have writers block- giving me ideas.

Sometimes I may even use them.

I try to be original a lot, but then I guess nearly every book is cliché on wattpad.

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