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A/N: So guys, this is a Judar/Judal Fanfic. I hope you like it and please check my other fanfics! I can't promise to update regularly because of a nightmare called school but I will try. Thank you!!

The job was simple. Sneak into the inn go to the noble's room and steal any valuables you find. It was around 10:00 but there were still people walking about. I snuck across the street and opened the door to the inn, blending in with the crowd of people who were at the bar. I strode up the steps to the rooms and located the one that I knew was my target. I gently pulled open the door, wincing as the rusted hinges creaked. I peered into the room, my eyes slowly adjusting to the light. I could just make out a figure laying on a bed in the far corner of the room but what really though my attention was what lay next to the bed. A small pile of gold jewellery and a jewel on a golden wand lay glittering gently on the floor. I crept silently toward the bed, slowly opening a hessian bag. I reached out to grab the sword but a hand grabbed my wrist. I yelped and jerked back, my wrist still trapped.

"What have we got here?" A voice asked and I turned to the figure on the bed. The person had risen into a sitting position, their hand still tightly grasping my wrist. I tried to jerk away again to no avail. The figure jerked me forward and grabbed my neck, almost lifting me off the floor as it stood up. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now." I clutched at the hand as my vision started going blurry. They relaxed their hand a tiny bit, just enough so that I could breathe.

"What's your name?" The figure asked, pulling me closer.

"J-Jasmine," I lied, wheezing slightly.

"Liar, tell me your name!" The figure said, raising their voice and squeezing my neck even tighter.

"It's Valmet, please let go..." I whispered, as my vision started blurring. I'm going to die, I thought in panic. Then the hand loosened and I gasped for breath, my surroundings slowly coming back into focus.

"I'm going to put you down but if you even think of moving toward the door I will kill you." The figure said coldly as they released my neck and I crumpled to the ground breathing heavily. "I'm really tired right now so I'll deal with you in the morning."

I decided not to risk trying to escape so I just curled up on the floor and eventually dozed off.

~~~Next Morning~~~

I rolled over, awake but too tired to actually open my eyes. My foot touched something warm and immediately jerked back and opened my eyes, my vision blurry. As my eyes focused I realised that I had bumped into the person that occupied the room. I shrieked and jumped up, waking up the man on the floor. He blinked groggily, rolling into a sitting position and rubbed his eyes with his hand. I studied his appearance. He had long black hair tied into bobs. He wore a chunari over a midriff choli and a leg dress which stopped at his ankles. He looked fairly young, probably only about 20.

"Why did you wake me up?" He whined, acting like a child. He looked around and noticed that he was lying on the floor.

"Why were you next to me?!" I demanded, my cheeks turning red.

"I must have rolled off the bed again," he complained, rubbing the back of his head. I glared at him suspiciously before stalking toward the door. Instantly the man was right next to me, his wand pointed at my throat. "I told you not to leave."

He shoved me and I fell backward onto the floor, my head hitting the wooden boards with a painful thump. I groaned as my vision blurred and I clutched my head until my sight returned to normal. The man walked over to the bed and flopped on it, staring absentmindedly at the roof. I noticed his eyes were red and he wore purple eye shadow. He looked at me and caught me staring so I averted my eyes.

"So Valmet, what should I do with you?" The man asked, the use of my name causing me to frown slightly. I didn't answer as the question was obviously rhetorical.

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