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The weeks before leaving for Wyoming passed by in a blur to Kendall. The time had been extended by their hosts and Tobias felt the need to leave later, attempting to set the pack up for a month without authority. He and Zaid spent almost every waking moment together and Kendall had been moved into Zaid's room. Zaid made a smaller nest of furs for Kendall to sleep separately from him if he so chose - he never did. Kendall could feel something solid between the two of them and Zaid constantly asked him about his comfort level with things. It irritated Kendall slightly but he said nothing, thankful that Zaid was showing effort to be better about their relationship.

Cameron grew more anxious as the time neared. Iris snapped at him on multiple occasions as she felt it through their bond. He could never explain the feeling, just that it radiated through him.

Kendall could feel the Twins happy go lucky attitude becoming more depressive as the time came for the Triplets to leave. They had begun to reminisce while doing chores about times with Cayman. Kendall was starting to get an understanding of why they were so attached to the man - he had been a constant in their life basically since they were born.

The morning finally came for them to leave and Tobias called the clan together for the announcement, leaving two of his "most trusted" betas in charge of handling disputes until his return. Kendall could hear scoffs and snickering amongst the crowd from his spot in the back. He looked up at Zaid who had pursed lips and zero facial expression. Apparently the divide between the clan grew stronger everyday Tobias was alpha.

They finally started out on their trek at daybreak the next morning. "We're walking the whole way? Are you kidding me?" Cameron balked.

"How else would we get there?" Cayman snapped back.

"Haven't you ever heard of a car? Bus? Train? Something!"

"We're not exactly members of human society." Iris hissed.

"Nor would we fit in as some." Zaid mumbled under his breath.

"It's like 400 miles just to cross through Colorado! How the hell are we supposed to cover that much ground?!" Cameron continued.

"We are larger than any native wolf. We are faster and stronger. We will cover much more ground than your typical wolf pack." Conroy snarked.

"Did you not hear the 400 miles part?"

"Cameron!" Tobias roared. "Be quiet. Let's shift and get into formation."

Formation consisted of Cayman at the head with Tobias and Brody following. Brody stayed by Tobias' side at his shoulder. Iris and Cameron fell in next, Cameron following at his Betas shoulder. Zaid and Kendall took up the rear but Zaid kept Kendall a few steps in front of him. Conroy and Casey flanked the group.

Zaid stayed back by Kendall's haunches, giving him gentle nips when he fell too far behind. "Why aren't I behind you like the other omegas?" Kendall questioned.

"I don't want you behind me. If something were to attack from behind I want to be between it and you." Zaid replied in a low rumble.

"Or I could just make for the trees." Kendall shrugged and Zaid cocked his head.

"I was raised by a bear. I can climb trees. Not as quickly as a bear I'll admit, Momoa usually had to give me a push up to the first branch."

"That's an impressive skill."

Kendall shrugged, kicking a pine cone out of his path. "She used to push me up a tree whenever she sensed danger. I got really good at hiding in the foliage."

"Noted." Zaid playfully nipped Kendall's side and Kendall let out a sound similar to a giggle. Iris looked back at them and Kendall could see her roll her eyes.

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